September 24, 2019

Buttermilk Powder Market Positive Outlook for Industry Opportunities & Trends for Expansion during 2019-2027

Market Outlook

Buttermilk powder embarked with the goodness of dairy and buttermilk properties but Can be consumed by lactose intolerant people as an dairy substitute as, as, the it is made from yoghurt and water and the combination of both are safe for lactose intolerant people apart, from this it is enriched with goodness of potassium, vitamins especially vitamins B12, calcium, riboflavin- an vitamin used to break down, carbohydrates protein and fats and thus buttermilk helps to maintain weight by cutting out on extra fat. Also, buttermilk is good source of phosphorus that helps body to maintain its energy and helps to filter out kidney waste and build strong teeth and bones. As, the major defect with dairy product is that they get spoil very soon owing to the large amount of beneficial bacteria present in it, as buttermilk is in its powdered form the shelf life of the product can be increased to a much larger time duration., buttermilk powder is in its growing phase hence, many industrialists are looking upon the product to invest their huge chunks over its R&D to find out the most innovative property of buttermilk powder and make profit in the market by launching such product.

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Increasing Demand for Buttermilk powder Owing to the Rising Health Conscious Demographics

The Buttermilk powder market is expanding globally. The Asia- Pacific region is the most targeted region as India alone is the biggest exporter of milk across the globe moreover the rising adoption of Buttermilk powder by the bakery, sauces and soups making industries in countries of this region estimates that Asia- Pacific region will dominate the global Buttermilk powder in forth-coming period.

Buttermilk Powder Global: Key Players

The global market for Buttermilk powder is evolving due to increasing consumer’s awareness of health. Many manufacturers are focusing over Buttermilk powder due to its diversified uses in health enhancing property and number of application in food industry. Some of the global key manufacturers and suppliers of Buttermilk powder are – Uelzena Group, GFN FOOD SALES, Michigan Milk Producers Association, NZMP, Hoogwegt, Param Dairy Limited, KOMPASS INTERNATIONAL SA, and Vitagreen Products Pvt. Ltd Apart, from the many other manufacturers are showing keen interest in the Buttermilk powder market as the demand for them is growing widely owing to the increasingly health-conscious consumers.

Opportunities for Market Participants:

Buttermilk powder manufacturers are providing claims such as- kosher, halal certified which is helping them to extend their market in the GCC countries, as, well as the idea of clean labels and certified packaging is making buttermilk powder as a product very promising to its consumers, buttermilk powder as also used as a substitute for skimmed milk which helps it to benchmark itself in the product section, moreover its richness in proteins help it be an attractive product among the gym freaks and health concerned populations, moreover it is a pure natural product that helps it to remain in the trend. Buttermilk powder is also used to increase the aroma of the ready to use food by also helps to keep the food fresh and increase or sustain the emulsifying property of the food. As, butter milk is a richer source of phosphorus which helps in building the RNA &DNA which are damaged by any chance or process. Owing to its so many health benefits and applications many industrialists are showing their keen interest over the product.