February 11, 2022


In recent years, the development of the country's education system, raising the qualifications and prestige of teachers in society, raising the morale of the younger generation, training innovative and creative thinking, modern personnel, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, high spirituality has been paying special attention to improving the education system.

The seminar-training held on February 11 at the Pedagogical Institute of Andijan State University by the National Center for International Research on Education Quality Assessment also focused on the development of the education system, the introduction of advanced methodological technologies based on world experience.

The seminar on "Study of the Finnish educational experience and the introduction of its achievements in international research in Uzbekistan" was attended by professors and masters studying at the institute. Importance of participation in international research by experienced experts of the National Center for International Quality Assessment of Education in improving the quality of education, reading literacy in PISA and PIRLS international research, management of the Finnish education system, success of Finnish education key, PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA, TALIS spoke about the importance of research in the education system.

The interactive methods, creative ideas and the seminar, which met international educational standards, provided the participants with detailed information and answers to their questions.

At the end of the seminar, Abduvali Abdumalikovich Ismailov, Director of the National Center for International Research on Education Quality Assessment, was awarded a certificate of appreciation and souvenirs by the Director of the Institute Rasulov Bakhtiyor Mahmudjanovich for cooperation in organizing the seminar training.

Indeed, the future of the country, the success of all areas and projects depends on educated people. Improving the quality of education depends on qualified teachers. Such seminars and trainings will serve the future of the industry. After all, the fourth priority in the development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 is the development of education and human capital.

Press service