April 9, 2022


There have been great people in our history whose lives and rich spiritual heritage haven't lost their value over the centuries. This year, the 686th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur is widely celebrated in our country.

Today, on April 9, on the occasion of the birthday of Amir Temur, the Pedagogical Institute of Andijan State University held a spiritual and educational event entitled "I, Sahibkiran - Jahongir Temur."

The event was opened by the First Deputy Director of the Institute M. Parpiyev. In his speech, the Deputy Director spoke about the contribution of Amir Temur to public administration and the development of modern science.

Then the artistic part of the event began. The students performed plays, poems, melodies and dances in honor of Amir Temur and his great works on the stage of history.

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Physical Culture D.Samatov, history teacher Q.Bozorov also spoke at the event and gave interesting information about Amir Temur and the Temurid state.

At the end of the event, students who actively participated were awarded a set of books by the administration of the institute.

The event aims to educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for ancestors and raise the sense of patriotism.


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