Prototyping Class
December 15, 2021

Arduino to Processing • Final Project

As soon as I was able to connect my Processing app to the Arduino project, I created a visualization that looks like a moving cloud in the midnight that produces lightning.

The code is here:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial arduinoConnection;

int sensor = 0;
int x = 0;
int xPos=0;
int xDir=1;
boolean stop = true;

void setup() {
  printArray( arduinoConnection.list() );
  println( arduinoConnection.list() );
  size (1200, 600);
  arduinoConnection = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600);

void draw() {
  // set the sky color
  // set the cloud color & object position
  drawCloud(xPos, 200, 200);
     // set the cloud object movement
     if( xPos >= width ) { 
     // we've run off the edge
     xPos = 0;

 // create a running line graph
 // x = time, y = sensor value
 float y = map( sensor, height/2, height, height/2, height );
 // float bright = map( sensor, 0, 1, 255, 0 );
 float bright = map( sensor, 0, 1, 255, 0 );
 fill( #FFFFFF );
 rect( x,(height/2)+y,8,8*y );
 if( x >= width ) { // we've run off the edge
   x = 0;

  // set the cloud object based on 3 ellipses
  void drawCloud(float cloudX, float cloudY, float flakeSize) {
  float flakeDistance = flakeSize / 3;


  // lower-left flake
  ellipse(cloudX - flakeDistance, cloudY + flakeDistance*0.5, 120, 120);

  // lower-right flake
  ellipse(cloudX + flakeDistance, cloudY + flakeDistance*0.3, 150, 150);

  // center flake
  ellipse(cloudX, cloudY, flakeSize, flakeSize);

In result I have got this nice cloud mthat makes lightning.

Arduino listens to the sound of a thunderstorm and transfers it to the Processing app that visualizes it as a cloud that produces lightning.

I Hope, you liked my Final project. Please, leave any comments!