Andrew Callejo | 3 Elements for Effective Time Management
Here are 3 elements for effective time management by Andrew Callejo.
1. Decide each day what is important for you to achieve during that day
If you have a list of tasks you must complete during the day there will be some that you know are much more important than others even if you don't want to make them a priority, it's important to get them done and cross them off the list. These may be things that have a deadline such as bills that must be paid or reports or articles which have to be submitted by that date and not later. Once they are done the rest of the day will pass quickly doing the things which are not quite so important.
2. Decide what you are passionate about
Decide what you love to do and want to do above all else. If you don't have that passion then it's better to either dismiss the task completely or get better at delegating to someone else. Decide on efficient strategies to complete the tasks more efficiently each day. There are usually ways to work more quickly. When you are more streamlined you'll get jobs done more quickly and free up time too. This might include improving your basic skills so that you can do things more confidently and well, or delegating to others if they can take on some of your jobs either on an exchange basis or for payment.
If there are tasks you don't enjoy but are unable to delegate then think of them with a more positive mindset by defining something fun about them so you approach them differently.
3. Decide what is vital to achieving each day
Get routine tasks done quickly so you can spend as much time as possible doing what you love to do. So start early, first get the things you don't like doing out of the way then move on other tasks until you complete what you plan to do.
By devising strategies so that your tasks get matched with other similar tasks, you will save time and will free up time for more important tasks.
Being efficient also means not wasting time by noticing how you spend your day and how much of it you are engaged in productive things and how much is frittered away checking emails or surfing the internet for example.
According to Andrew Callejo, there are so many time management schemes and suggestions but it all boils down to this: if you manage your time you are also managing your life more effectively. The two are intertwined so getting to grips with one affects the other.
Use the tips here to be more effective in your time management and add these to whatever are your favorite methods whether these are 'to do' lists; deciding whether something is urgent and/or important or neither; and concentrating on those tasks which are not urgent though important, eliminating those which or neither urgent nor important, dealing with those which are not important though urgent and planning to avoid those urgent and important tasks.