February 20, 2021

what sort of shirt they're wearing

I'm sitting in the food court of a bustling shopping center on a Saturday with a stack of paper. What's going on with I? Tallying the number of individuals are wearing shirts, what sort of shirt they're wearing, and about how old they are. This is my fourth Saturday leading this review at 4 unique shopping centers. Before I started doing this "shirt study" at the shopping centers here in Dallas, I was expecting around 30-35% individuals would be wearing a shirt. Was I ever off-base. I had no clue exactly how well known shirts really are.

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 To begin with, who is wearing shirts? I checked an aggregate of around 4,000 individuals more than about a month in this overview. Altogether, around 60-65% were wearing shirts - double my assumptions! There was a change in the age gatherings. For those under 25-years of age, around 80-85% wore shirts. For those 25 to 40 years of age, about 60% wore shirts.

Also, for those more than 40, about 35% wore shirts. 18While I anticipated that the younger crowd should be wearing shirts, what I was not expecting were those ages 35 - 50 wearing them. These are for the most part guardians, financial specialists, and several grandparents. The greater part of their shirts were sports or school shirts, or a brand name like Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, or Polo - nothing unrefined of unsavory.