August 16, 2019

SMM for Aesthetic Medicine

Представляю мой англоязычный контент для социальной сети бьюти-специалиста в Люксембурге.

Визуальная красота как всегда от Марии Корольковой.

Контент-планирование и тексты мои.

  • Today is a perfect day to dedicate it to yourself and the beauty of your body! My wellness tip of the week is to sign up for a Super Slim anti-cellulite massage course.After the first procedure you will get a visible result, the effect of a powerful slimming corset and skin rejuvenation.Who added this item to your must-to-do List - put 💗 in the comments.


  • Why does the Super Slim balm not work?You are not doing a massage course. Super Slim balm works by increasing the elasticity of the skin. It takes time, at least 1 month. These are 10 sessions of massage, one session 2-3 times a week. Until the skin is renewed, you will not see the real result. You may have hormonal disorders.In this case, there will be good results, but they come much slower due to objective reasons.You do not measure results.Be sure to measure and photograph yourself before and after the Super Slim massage course. Only then you can objectively see the results. Are there any other questions? Write me in the comments.


  • Einstein said that no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. It means that we need new energy, new level of consciousness. Access Bars Consciousness is based on the idea that you're not wrong, that you know and that consciousness can shift anything. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words, Access clears the energy underneath the words. Why do I trust this method? Because if we change our energy we change the situation.