gift ideas
March 21

wish-list/gift ideas for Ksusha

loving hearts<3
In this selection of gift ideas, there is nothing run-of-the-mill or unexciting. I think you will definitely be able to pick out something that suits your taste and meet your requirements
  • roombox as a way of creating memories

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the girl on instagram is making these cute installations of memorable please for every person. you can choose your most favorite place in the world and recreate it (hometown/garden/mexico city and you tell me)
  • skin&haircare
body scrubs
skincare products
people love receiving skincare products as gifts because it's like giving them a little luxury and pampering. it's a way to encourage them to take care of themselves and feel good about their skin. plus, trying out new products can be fun and exciting, and they might find a new favorite that works wonders for their skin
  • certificates to body-modification procedures and spa
hair saloon procedures
art of tattoos
  • video games π“…°