December 16, 2020


What is an EEG?

Brain EEG known as “electroencephalography” which is an electrophysiological process to record the electrical activity of the brain. EEG measures changes in the electrical activity of the brain produced.An EEG test evaluates the electrical activity of the brain. The test is used to help detect the conditions such as seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches, brain tumors and sleeping problems as well as to confirm brain death.An EEG test evaluates the electrical activity of the brain. EEG scans are performed by placing EEG sensors – small metal discs also called EEG electrodes – on your scalp. These electrodes pick up and record the electrical activity in your brain. The collected EEG signals are amplified, digitized, and then sent to a computer or mobile device for storage and data processing.

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Electroencephalography (EEG) is a technique with over a hundred years of history, and while it was originally used more strictly in the fields of psychology, medicine, and neuroscience, it is widely used today in gaming, human-computer-interaction, neuromarketing, simulations, and beyond

How Does an EEG Work?

The billions of cells in your brain produce very small electrical signals that form non-linear patterns called brainwaves. An EEG machine measures the electrical activity in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain, during an EEG test. EEG sensors are placed on a participant’s head, then the electrodes non-invasively detect brainwaves from the subject.EEG sensors can record up to several thousands of snapshots of the electrical activity generated in the brain within a single second. The recorded brainwaves are sent to amplifiers, then to a computer or the cloud to process the data. The amplified signals, which resemble wavy lines, can be recorded on a computer, mobile device, or on a cloud database.

Cloud-computing software is considered a critical innovation in EEG data processing, as it allows for real-time analysis of recordings at scale—in the early days of EEG measurement, waves were simply recorded on a graph paper. EEG systems in academic and commercial research typically show the data as a time series, or as a continuous flow of voltages.Analyzing EEG data is an exceptional way to study cognitive processes: It can help doctors establish a medical diagnosis, researchers understand the brain processes that underlie human behavior, and individuals to improve their productivity and wellness.

Types of Brainwaves that EEG Measures

The electrodes of an EEG device capture electrical activity expressed in various EEG frequencies like

Beta Waves (frequency range from 14 Hz to about 30 Hz)

Alpha Waves (frequency range from 7 Hz to 13 Hz)

Theta Waves (frequency range from 4 Hz to 7 Hz)

Delta Waves (frequency range up to 4 Hz)

Your brain is constantly absorbing and processing information even as you sleep. All of this activity generates electrical signals that EEG sensors pick up. This allows for changes in brain activity to be captured even if there is no visible behavioral response, such as a movement or a facial expression.An EEG monitor changes in electricity that your brain makes, but not thoughts or feelings. It does not send any electricity into your brain.

Due to this increased use and demand of high-quality EEG devices, there are now numerous companies that are able to cater to the specific needs of EEG users. Each offers something unique for the consumer – whether it’s the number of channels, a stationary or portable device, the predefined metrics offered, or of course the price.

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