Setting Validator on Dill Testnet Alps
Network Details & Hardware Requirements
Set up the node (auto)
curl -sO && chmod +x && ./
1.1 There are two options:
1. Launch a new dill node: Start a new Dill node. Choose this option if you want to create and run a new node from scratch.
2. Add a validator to existing node: Add a validator to an existing node. Choose this option if you want to add a new validator to an existing node.
2. Validator Keys are generated from a mnemonic:
1. From a new mnemonic: Choose this option if you want to generate a new mnemonic.
2. Use existing mnemonic: Choose this option if you want to use a mnemonic that you already have.
Option 1: The mnemonic will be automatically saved to /root/dill/validator_keys/.... Please back up the validator_keys folder to your local machine after you have successfully run the node.
Option 2: You will need to back up your existing mnemonic yourself.
3. Please choose an option for deposit token amount [1, 3600, 2, 36000]:
Option 1: 3600 for light node Option 2: 36000 for full node
4. Please enter your withdrawal address:
You can use any wallet as long as you have the mnemonic for it. Suggestion: you can use a staking wallet.
If you have completed all the steps correctly, you will see an output like this:
5. Commands
tail -f $HOME/dill/light_node/logs/dill.log
curl -s localhost:3500/eth/v1/beacon/headers | jq
cd $Home/dill
./ -v
6. Staking
- Visit Dill Staking
- Upload
file. Use Termius, scp... to download the validator_keys folder to your local machine." or:
cat ./validator_keys/deposit_data-xxxx.json
Copy to your local machine for uploading.