May 24, 2022

CASE STUDY: 41.9X ROI. How A Home Renovation Company Generated $145 000+ In Revenue With $3,456,65 In Facebook Ad Spend

Here are the top objections we often hear about Facebook ads from repair companies:

- “People don’t click ads on Facebook” - “It is impossible to sell expensive services on Facebook” - “All people want to do is watch only entertainment videos on social media. They won’t buy anything.” - “Facebook ads does not work for renovation/building companies”

But what if I tell you that we successfully generate from 3 quality leads per day for renovation/building companies, with a conversion into a client from 8% every day?

Well, now you will read our case-study on how we spent $3,456.65 and generated $145,000 in revenue in one month using Facebook ads for  home renovation company “Stildomo”

Let’s go!

The challenge:

Our client is the “Stildomo” company, which makes repairs and design projects in Moscow, Russia. Leads were being generated with offline marketing and a call center. But the company  decided to have a controlled and scalable flow of leads from the Internet.

The channel they wanted to test: Facebook advertising.

“Stildomo” is a home renovation company, where the average transaction is $4,000-$15,000.

Here are certain features of the niche that we will have to face during work:

1. Sales cycles are long (60-90 days is normal). Theoretically, it would take a long time to convert a lead into a client.
2. No benchmarks. There is no foundation of data to optimize and scale.
3. No existing marketing funnel. There is no data on steps to best convert a click into a lead into a client.

But difficulties do not scare us. We love them!

The process

1. Analysis of competitors.

Using the service AdHeart, We analyze competitors' advertising and look at the features that work for them.

AdHeart service

This approach helps to understand what is currently working in the advertising market

2. Audiences

Below are the main audiences we used in this project:

1) Repair/building interests

2) Wide (with segmentation by gender and Geo)

3) Look like by retarget audiences

3. Advertisements

The underlying requirement of a successful campaign is a powerful offer on the front end (what prospects see on Facebook) and on the backend (over the phone and in person, in this case).

Below is one of the most working offers (translated from Russian)

"Calculate the cost of a designer renovation of your apartment in 1 minute and get a design project as a gift”

These are the most effective promotional photo creatives:

(тут будет фото)

This offer was also duplicated in the landing👇

4. Landing page.

Landing page with quiz integration is the most effective marketing tool for home renovation marketing.

It is a small questionnaire site that helps to qualify our client.

It includes questions like:

1) Apartment footage

2) Type of repair, etc.

Leads come hotter, and it is easier for a manager to work with them

5. Results

Now we will show you the real numbers of the funnel that we received during one month of work


Ad budget - $3,456,65
Cost per click - $1.5
Clicks - 5 185
Landing page conversion -  2,4%
Leads - 124
Cost per lead (CPL) - $25
Booked appointments - 37
Booked appointment - 30%
New clients  - 11
Lead to sale ratio -  9%
Total new revenue -  $145 000
Cost per new client -  $314