July 5, 2023

Создаем дашборд на площадке Dune Analytics  

Бренд недавно переименовали просто в Dune.

Если говорить кратко, то этот сервис берет криптографические данные on-chain и позволяет пользователям легко анализировать их. Dune понадобилось всего несколько лет, чтобы получить статус единорога с оценкой в $1 млрд.

В инфополях давно ходят слухи о том, что платформа рано или поздно объявит о запуске собственного токена и нам надо быть готовыми, чтобы попасть в число пользователей, которые гарантированно получат дроп. Шансы в разы увеличивает создание своего дашборда. А еще вы можете в него добавить блог. Если хотите копнуть глубже, то можно еще изучать технологию SQL, которая помогает «форкать» запросы других пользователей. Форк запроса означает, что вы используете чей-то дашборд и редактируете его в соответствии с вашими потребностями. Все эти активности могут стать мультипликаторами при раздаче токенов.

Итак, с чего начать?

1. Перейдите по ссылке и создайте учетную запись, подвязав к ней почту.

2. Нажмите на плюс вверху страницы и далее на «New Query»

3. Копируем этот код:

-- select *

-- from query_2465489

-- order by rank_id

-- limit 1000000

with user_summary as (

select user_address,

count(*) as transaction_count,

min(block_time) as initial_block_time,

max(block_time) as last_block_time,

date_diff('day', min(block_time), now()) as lz_age_days,

count(distinct source_chain_id) as active_source_chain_count,

count(distinct destination_chain_id) as active_destination_chain_count,

count(distinct transaction_contract) as active_transaction_contract_count,

count(distinct date_trunc('day', block_time)) as active_days_count,

count(distinct date_trunc('week', block_time)) as active_weeks_count,

count(distinct date_trunc('month', block_time)) as active_months_count,

-- coalesce(sum(amount_usd / power(10, p.decimals) * p.price), 0) as amount_usd

coalesce(sum(amount_usd), 0) as amount_usd

from layerzero.send

group by 1


user_summary_with_rank as (

select *,


active_source_chain_count -- Count of used source chains

+ if(active_destination_chain_count >= 2, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions to 2 destination chains

+ if(active_destination_chain_count >= 5, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions to 5 destination chains

+ if(active_destination_chain_count >= 10, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions to 10 destination chains

+ if(active_months_count >= 2, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 2 distinct months

+ if(active_months_count >= 6 , 1, 0) -- Conducted transactions during 6 distinct months

+ if(active_months_count >= 9, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 9 distinct months

+ if(active_months_count >= 12, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 12 distinct months

+ if(active_weeks_count >= 10, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 10 distinct weeks

+ if(active_weeks_count >= 20, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 20 distinct weeks

+ if(active_weeks_count >= 50, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 50 distinct weeks

+ if(active_weeks_count >= 100, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 100 distinct weeks

+ if(active_days_count >= 50, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 50 distinct days

+ if(active_days_count >= 100, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 100 distinct days

+ if(active_days_count >= 200, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 200 distinct days

+ if(active_days_count >= 500, 1, 0)  -- Conducted transactions during 500 distinct days

+ if(lz_age_days >= 100, 1, 0)  -- Started using Layer Zero before 100 days

+ if(lz_age_days >= 200, 1, 0)  -- Started using Layer Zero before 200 days

+ if(lz_age_days >= 500, 1, 0)  -- Started using Layer Zero before 500 days

+ if(transaction_count >= 5, 1, 0)  -- Conducted more than 5 transactions

+ if(transaction_count >= 10, 1, 0)  -- Conducted more than 10 transactions

+ if(transaction_count >= 25, 1, 0)  -- Conducted more than 25 transactions

+ if(transaction_count >= 50, 1, 0)  -- Conducted more than 50 transactions

+ if(transaction_count >= 100, 1, 0)  -- Conducted more than 100 transactions

+ if(active_transaction_contract_count >= 5, 1, 0)  -- Interacted more than 5 contracts on source chain

+ if(active_transaction_contract_count >= 10, 1, 0)  -- Interacted more than 10 contracts on source chain

+ if(active_transaction_contract_count >= 25, 1, 0)  -- Interacted more than 25 contracts on source chain

+ if(active_transaction_contract_count >= 50, 1, 0)  -- Interacted more than 100 contracts on source chain

+ if(active_transaction_contract_count >= 100, 1, 0)  -- Interacted more than 100 contracts on source chain

+ if(amount_usd > 0, 1, 0) -- Bridged funds through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 1000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $1,000 of assets through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 10000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $10,000 of assets through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 50000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $50,000 of assets through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 250000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $250,000 of assets through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 500000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $500,000 of assets through Layer Zero

+ if(amount_usd > 1000000, 1, 0) -- Bridged more than $1,000,000 of assets through Layer Zero

) as rank_score

from user_summary


select row_number() over (order by rank_score desc, amount_usd desc, transaction_count desc) as rk,

user_address as ua,

rank_score as rs,

transaction_count as tc,

round(amount_usd, 2) as amt,

cast(active_source_chain_count as varchar) || ' / ' || cast(active_destination_chain_count as varchar) || ' / ' || cast(active_transaction_contract_count as varchar) as cc,

cast(active_days_count as varchar) || ' / ' || cast(active_weeks_count as varchar) || ' / ' || cast(active_months_count as varchar) as dwm,

lz_age_days as lzd,

initial_block_time as ibt

from user_summary_with_rank

order by rank_score desc, amount_usd desc, transaction_count desc

4. Нажимаем “Run” справа внизу. 

После запуска у вас появится возможность сохранить, нажав “Save” и назвать свой дашборд.