August 5, 2020

Darya Apahonchich: My Arrest and Court Hearing

Petersburg artist and activist Darya Apahonchich's own account of how Petersburg police abducted her when she left work yesterday (August 4, 2020), hauled her to a police precinct, then took her to to face administrative charges for two recent solidarity performances in which she was involved. The court found her guilty and sentenced her to pay 20,000 rubles [approx. 230 euros] in fines.


"But I cannot help doing what I do. My support for Yulia Tsvetkova, for Angelina, Maria, and Krestina Khachaturyan is a very important part of my life. It is my freedom, my fight for the safety of all women, and my contribution to my children’s future. (I am really, really worried that my daughter is growing up in an unsafe world, that my son is growing up in an unsafe world, that society imposes places on them in the hierarchical meat grinder.) I am still going to be involved in activism: I cannot do it any other way."