June 12, 2020


The two pie demonstrate the percentage of five types of energy production in France between the years 1995 and 2005.

Overall, according to the provided information, there was a general increase in the percentage of nuclear over two time periods. Moreover, the most considerable sources of energy were gas and coal, which together amounted for over half of other productions.

In 1995, the proportion of other amounted 4.90% and this source of energy was the most less percentage. Furthermore, the vast majority part of the pie made up of the gas, coal and petro almost 90%. Likewise, in 1995, the percentage of nuclear amounted 6.40%.

In 2005, the most significant source of energy was coal and percentage amounted 30.93%. Moreover, Petro share decreased by 10% from 29.27% to 19.55%. However, the parts of nuclear and other had been increased almost double.