task 2
In the era of globalization and modern technologies the number of individuals, who assert that overpopulation in numerous urban centers throughout the world is a major problem have increased. Possible solutions would be a suitable plan to provide new jobs and conditions of live for people.
One of the reasons why people choose big sities for migration is stable economy situation, and suitable education. It is justifiable to say that plethora of urban centers do not have good conditions for life such as education, medicine and workplaces, based on this people migrate to big cities. Moreover, if government provided these types if conditions, people would not migrate to major urban centers. For instance, people from Russia had been migrating to Ukraine until 2012 because second country have dominated on conditions of live.
Another problem that needs to be considered is a unstable economy situation on numerous countries. According to provided information by New York Times, the vast majority of people have been preferring countries, which trying to gain foodhold on the global marketplace after collapse of the USSR. To illustrate, numerous people from Belarus cannot work on their native country because of unstable econony situation. Numerous studies have consistently found that if countries do not have problems with marketplace, people do not migrate to anothers countries.
In conclusion, this essay acknowledges that overpopulation is a major problem. As far as I concerned, despite the fact that numerous global centers have problems with overpopulation, if government had had stable conditions for life long ago, now some countries would not have problems with overpopulation.