Numerous people throughout the world argue that money is the most necessary factor to be happy. I definitely think, if person didnt had money, he/she also would be happy because money cannot buy happiness and cannot contribute is to provide pleasure.
From my point of view, if person right use creativity, he/she can be happy without money. Moreover, imagination can provide some ideas for enjoy a life in the absence money. In my opinion, people should enhance their imagination skill if they bankrupts. Nevertheless, creativity is provided to us opportunity to realize yourself without money. For instance, the vast majority people spend a lot of money for enjoy, while, others creative. I find this way to be happy more available and interesting than with money because all people have imagination.
I absolutely agree that there are different ways to be happy such as listen to music or watch a film. In fact, most people listen to music everyday because when people listen to music, they feel a motivation and happyness. I also used to prefer listening a music for to be happy; this way given me motivation for all my days. However, a lot of people throughout the world prefer a watch they favorite film because this way make they happy. For example, if people watched a sitcom, they would be able enjoy. From my point of view this examples would contribute happiness.
In conclusion, this essay acknowledges that people can be happy without money. I have provided some examples for this such as listening to music, watching a film and creativity possibilities.