How to become a professional hairdresser
As trite as it sounds, a hairdresser is one of the most ancient professions. Both then and now, hairstyles are of great importance. For some it is just hair, but for others it is strength and art. Different eras had different styles, approaches and images. Looking back, you can see how tastes and preferences have changed.
During the Renaissance, men were encouraged to have long hair and women to have short hair with curled locks.Baroque is already famous for its long, straight or curly, loose or with a curl falling below the shoulders - the hair becomes the standard of beauty. In the same period, steam curled wigs were produced, and the fountain hairstyle was gaining popularity.Rococo brings with it lightness and ease.
It was from this moment that the principle began to act according to which the hairstyle should be combined with the type of figure and with the features of the face. Hair was collected in a ponytail, tied with a black ribbon or collected in a pouch. And a little later, hairstyles could reach half a meter in height and were decorated with various accessories.
After a little more time, changes are taking place in this area. But they are becoming global only now. Such diversity has never been found anywhere else. Long, short, black, white, blue and even green. After so many years, it seems that the art of hairdressing is only gaining momentum.
It would seem an unremarkable type of activity, but professionals in their field were able to achieve world success and become no less popular stars of show business.John Frida is the inventor of the famous "Purdi haircut", and many, many other professionals who have gone down in history as the best of the best. But to come to this, you need to try very hard.
Every year, a huge number of craftsmen are released and only a few can boast of high achievements and success. Someone is a narrow-profile specialist, focusing only on women's, men's or only children's haircuts, while someone develops wide-format activities.
Modern hairdressing
A hairdresser is a very popular profession. And every year the requirements for it increase, because there are a lot of new products here. Techniques for haircuts, dyes, curls, hairstyles, dramatic changes in style, color, shape - only a small part of the knowledge that a true lover of his craft should have. Moreover, there are no boundaries of development. And the more you can, the more you value.When choosing a direction, you can stop at any one.
Hair Master - Specializes in haircuts, dyes, curls, hairstyles and grooming. With all this, he also understands the quality and structure of hair, takes into account age and selects suitable shapes and colors.
Master of men's hairstyles - no less responsible approach is required than that of a woman's. Perhaps even more. Modern men's haircuts, sometimes heavier than women's. You also need to take into account the shape, size of the head, oval of the face and, if the client requires it, work with a beard. This requires skill, skill and experience.
Children's master - in addition to his direct duties, concurrently must be able to find a common language and a certain approach to each child, while strictly observing safety measures.
Colorist - techniques, styles, methods in this direction are constantly changing. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances: types of paints, oxidants, their mixing and combination with each other.
For some, one is suitable, for someone else. Professionals of this kind are greatly appreciated.Weaving Master - must be able to braid any braids in shape, length and type, as well as specialize in complex hairstyles.
In the 21st century, a specialist must be multidisciplinary and be able to provide a wide range of services, both related to the activity and not belonging to it. After all, the approach and atmosphere, mood and understanding of the client's desires are also important.
To choose you among thousands of others, you need to be number one and compete with dignity.If you want to become the best of the best in your business and devote yourself entirely to art, the courses of stylists on hairstyles at the Ecole School will professionally teach you how to create hairstyles.