About intellegence
It is not a secret to anybody, that intellegence is an important key on the way to a successful life. And most people assume, that mentality measured by success. I agree with this because, thanks to the mental abilities, people achieve success in various aspects of activity.
One argument in support of my point is that, there have been many examples in history of the brilliant leadership of the troops about which legends compose. Generally, such warlords were gifted by nature, therefore they were fabulous strategists.This was the reason for their success. Owing to this, they were called heroes, and were regarded as the most sliest people. It was highest award for them.
Furthermore, it is noticeable that if a child was gifted mental abilities, then he receives a huge advantage in learning, which increases the probability of that this child will become successful in the future. For example, in this case he will capable of collecting information much faster than other one. It may allow him to study something on the highest level. In addition, it wil be beneficial from all sides: it will help to gain self-confidence and gain leadership skills.
To draw the conclusion, it is better to say that the success of a person depends on innate abilities. So that it is erroneously to assert that there are other ways to measure such aptitudes, for they are not. And no matter how we try to find another way, in the end, we will return to the fact, that we will consider the results of those, whose intelligence we should have evaluated, and this is also a kind of success because if he is a genius he will pass the test perfectly.