July 20, 2021

bunny cdn, the cdn for everyone

Just a quick info about something super cool I found the last few days: bunny cdn. Available at bunny.net

bunnycdn dashboard

The bunnycdn is really easy to use, costs almost nothing and improves your loading times, especially for websites with many files incredibly. For small website it is worth just 10€ to charge and thus several years to deliver his images ultra fast.

bunnycdn costs overview (pullzones)

You simply create a so called pull zone, link it to a storage zone if necessary, that's all just a few clicks and bang the thing is up and running.

After that you have to link your CMS or project with it, which is also ultra easy to do. Either you do it yourself or you simply use one of the 1000 instructions from bunnycdn or one of their many plugins for almost every CMS.

Instructions from bunnycdn: https://support.bunny.net/hc/en-us/sections/360005461680-Integration-Guides

wprocket dashboard / cdn settings

So for me the setup really couldn't be easier, I've been using the wprocket plugin for several years and am more than thrilled with it, never really felt the need to use a cdn because of it. Thanks to wprocket I could still integrate bunnycdn super easy, there was even for this constellation even a separate tutorial of bunnycdn.

honestly the loading time of my website has improved only minimally but from 800ms to 600ms seems like an insane difference, even if it is not noticeable for the visitor it has proven to me how powerful the use of bunnycdn can have an effect. well let's see how it continues but I can more than recommend bunnycdn at this point.