September 11, 2019

Should teenagers working in their free time?

Should teenagers working in their free time? It's really very interesting question. Some people think, that yes, they should, because children do not understand the world of work. But I have own opinion and in my opinion student should studying their academic subjects.

I think, teenagers are still childrens, and it will hard instantly starting work. Yes, medieval childrens started their working at seven-eight years. But now we live in XXI century and today more important your mind, intellect than your stronge arms or hardy breathing.

I know, that in future your physics will more important, than his physical education. You will pass the exam, and will go study to the one of the best universities, yet student B will an exam and continues work for scanty wages. After university you will work on prestigious job, when he will stay on his job career, nobody wants to give work to a person without education. And after 7 years (23-30 years old) you will have more money, than he has after 15 years at working.

Furthermore, you will have a choice, on which job you will go and I confident, that you choice will right, and your work will connect with your hobbies, you will love your job. When student B go on job, where he was somebody's choice.

So, I want say, that at school years you shiuld focused on your academic subjects only. Don't think about many on this step of the life. My mom like one addages "Slowly, but surely. The quieter you go, the further you will get". And I absolutely agree with my mom.

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