November 3, 2021

Hamster, whale, bull, bear, degen and hodler — let’s look for ourselves in the crypto dictionary 🧐

With the development of cryptocurrencies, there appear a lot of new terms, the meaning of which is not always obvious.

For example, the terms "hamster", "whale", "bull", "bear", "degen" and "hodler" describe certain strategies for making money in the cryptocurrency industry. Today we will clarify them and help you understand what type you are.

🐹 Hamsters are usually called inexperienced players who buy into psychological manipulation, tend to believe in rumors or trust to handle their assets to precarious organizations in the hope of making a good profit.

🐋 Whale is a major player in the market with a large capital who is able to radically change the situation with price movements.

🐂 Bull is the name given to the securities and digital assets traders who earn on the growth of the asserts value.

🐻 Bear is an alternative to bull. In contrast, the bear always bets on the fall in the market and therefore sells assets in short terms.

♾ Hodler is an investor who hold his assets in any situation on the crypto market.

🤡 Degen is a term used to describe traders who switch from one DeFi token to another based solely on hype, FOMO and narratives.