September 30, 2021

Interesting facts about blockchain 🔍

Nowadays, the interest in blockchain technology is growing exponentially, but still for many people the industry remains a mystery.

We have prepared some interesting facts that will help dispel the fog and understand the concept.

1️⃣ Blockchain is a technology that allows people who do not know each other to trust and share event recording;

2️⃣ Bitcoin is the first and most famous application of blockchain technology;

3️⃣ The first block was generated in 2009, and today there are more than 2 thousand types of crypto-tools based on different blockchain modifications;

4️⃣ Technology increases the speed of transactions, the reliability and availability of services;

5️⃣ The fields of use: cryptocurrencies, financial services, public sector (state registries, notaries, electronic voting, etc.), transport and logistics, healthcare, intellectual property management, etc.

Hope we managed to open the curtain and tell about the complex phenomenon in an accessible and understandable way 👀