Chain Node Kyve
For the operation of the Kyve project network, it is a completely sovereign Proof of Stake blockchain build with Starport. This blockchain is managed by independent nodes, called Chain-Nodes, as they operate at the chain level. The native currency of the KYVE blockchain is $KYVE, it secures the chain and allows Chain nodes to stake and other users to delegate their tokens to them.
First, we need a server on Ubuntu 20.04
Minimum requirements 2vCPU/16RAM/1000gb
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
NODENAME="name your node"
Next, we save the variables to the bash:
echo "export NODENAME=$NODENAME" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export WALLET=wallet" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export CHAIN_ID=korellia" >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile
Download the binary file from the project's official github
wget tar -xvzf chain_linux_amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x chaind && mv ./chaind /usr/local/bin/chaind
chaind init $NODENAME --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
Download and move the genesis file
wget -qO $HOME/.kyve/config/genesis.json
Download and move the addrbook file
wget -qO $HOME/.kyve/config/addrbook.json
chaind start [email protected]:26656
To avoid having to update the binary manually, we will install Cosmovisor
wget mv cosmovisor_linux_amd64 cosmovisor
Next, make the file executable and move it to /usr/bin
chmod +x cosmovisor && mv ./cosmovisor /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor
mkdir -p $HOME/.kyve/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ echo "{}" > $HOME/.kyve/cosmovisor/genesis/upgrade-info.json
Next, copy the binary to the Cosmovisor directory
cp /usr/local/bin/chaind $HOME/.kyve/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/chaind
pruning="custom" pruning_keep_recent="100" pruning_keep_every="0" pruning_interval="10"
sed -i -e "s/^pruning *=.*/pruning = \"$pruning\"/" $HOME/.kyve/config/app.toml sed -i -e "s/^pruning-keep-recent *=.*/pruning-keep-recent = \"$pruning_keep_recent\"/" $HOME/.kyve/config/app.toml sed -i -e "s/^pruning-keep-every *=.*/pruning-keep-every = \"$pruning_keep_every\"/" $HOME/.kyve/config/app.toml sed -i -e "s/^pruning-interval *=.*/pruning-interval = \"$pruning_interval\"/" $HOME/.kyve/config/app.toml
nano $HOME/.kyve/config/config.toml
Set "null"
in the indexer
export DAEMON_HOME="$HOME/.kyve" export DAEMON_NAME="chaind" export DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES="true"
tee <<EOF > /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/kyved.service [Unit] Description=KYVE Chain-Node daemon [Service] User=$USER ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) start Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 LimitNOFILE=infinity Environment="DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.kyve" Environment="DAEMON_NAME=chaind" Environment="DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=true" [Install] EOF
Enable and run the service file
sudo systemctl enable kyved && sudo systemctl start kyved
journalctl -u kyved -f -o cat
After the synchronization is complete, create or restore a wallet
chaind keys add wallet
If you already have a wallet, you can restore it using the mnemonic phrase
chaind keys add wallet --recover
Then become a validator, add the number of tokens, and the name of your node
chaind tx staking create-validator --yes \ --amount "amount"tkyve \ --moniker $NODENAME \ --commission-rate "0.10" \ --commission-max-rate "0.20" \ --commission-max-change-rate "0.01" \ --min-self-delegation "1" \ --pubkey "$(chaind tendermint show-validator)" \ --from $WALLET \ --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
Finding out our Valoper address
VALOPER=$(chaind keys show wallet --bech val -a)
echo 'export VALOPER='${VALOPER} >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile
chaind tx staking delegate $VALOPER "amount"tkyve --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
chaind tx slashing unjail --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --from $WALLET
Take the rewards for the delegation
chaind tx distribution withdraw-rewards $VALOPER --from $WALLET --fees 5555tkyve --commission -y
chaind query bank balances "adress"
Congratulations, you have become a chain node validator!
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