Protocol Node Kyve with Kysor support
For this guide, I took information from the project's github
The team developed Cosmovisor for all the protocol nodes in the KYVE network (KYSOR).
In short, there is no more need to download binaries and update them.
So let's begin the installation process
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl curl | sudo bash curl -sS | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install nodejs=14.* yarn build-essential jq -yq -y
POOL_ID="number EVM pool" STAKE="amount stake"
echo "export POOL_ID=$POOL_ID" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export STAKE=$STAKE" >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile
sudo apt install git git clone cd $HOME/kysor
Create a directory secrets
and mnemonic txt file
mkdir $HOME/kysor/secrets echo 'your mnemonic phrase' > $HOME/kysor/secrets/mnemonic.txt
Then transfer the file to the secrets
directory arweave.json
either through MobaXterm or through SCP, for a local PC run the command like this. Replacing the path and IP addresses:
scp C:\arweave.json [email protected]:/root/kysor/secrets/
ls -la $HOME/kysor/secrets/
Prepare a new kysor.conf.ts
, copy everything without changes.
tee $HOME/kysor/kysor.conf.ts > /dev/null <<EOF import { IConfig } from "./src/faces"; const config: IConfig = { // target of the host machine, can be either "linux" or "macos" // important for downloading the correct binaries hostTarget: "linux", // whether KYSOR should auto download new binaries // if set to false, you have to insert the binaries manually autoDownload: true, // whether KYSOR should verify the checksums of downloaded binaries // if autoDownload is false this option can be ignored verifyChecksums: true, // settings for protocol node // notice that mnemonic and keyfile is missing, those need to be files under the secrets directory protocolNode: { // the ID of the pool you want to join as a validator // an overview of all pools can be found here -> poolId: $POOL_ID, // the network you want to run on // currently only the testnet network "korellia" is available network: "korellia", // the amount of $KYVE you want to stake // will only get applied if you are not a validator yet // once you are a validator you can manage your stake in the KYVE app initialStake: $STAKE, // the amount of bytes the node can use at max to cache data // 1000000000 equals 1 GB which is usually enough space: 1000000000, // specify verbose logging // is often recommended in order to have a more detailed insight verbose: true, }, }; export default config; EOF
Install Kysor, I advise you to do this in the screen
cd $HOME/kysor yarn install yarn build
sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/system/kyved.service [Unit] Description=Protocol Node [Service] User=$USER WorkingDirectory=$HOME/kysor ExecStart=yarn start Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 LimitNOFILE=4096 [Install] EOF
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable kyved && sudo systemctl start kyved
journalctl -u kyved -f -o cat
Congratulations, you have become a validator of the protocol node!
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