July 8, 2024

Puffer Mainnet. Detailed guide for setting up Validator  Node

The information provided in this guide is for informational and educational purposes only. The author does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. Users are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any decisions based on this guide.

By using this guide, you acknowledge and agree that any actions you take based on the information provided are at your own risk. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages incurred as a result of following this guide. You are solely responsible for your own decisions and actions.

This guide does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Always do your own research and consult with a qualified professional before making any financial or investment decisions.

Usefull links:

Why Allnodes?

On June 21, the node service Allnodes announced the possibility of setting up Puffer nodes through their platform. Currently, this is the easiest and cheapest method, which we will discuss in detail.

Features of Puffer Nodes on Allnodes

  • The user only needs to register the validator and pay the necessary service fees. Setting up a full Ethereum node is not required (Allnodes provides this), which saves on VDS server costs. On Allnodes, maintaining and servicing the node will cost you ~$10 per month, compared to $100-$140 when set up through VDS.
  • The service supports crypto payments.
  • All points and potential airdrops earned by the node are credited directly to your wallet. The service does not take or retain anything. When registering, you connect your

Preparing Assets on Your Wallet

The total costs for launching a Puffer node will be approximately 2.2 ETH in ERC20. It is recommended to transfer these funds to the wallet from which you will be setting up the node in advance.

The costs are broken down as follows:

  • 2.0 ETH Collateral: This is required for setting up the node. After you close the node, this amount will be returned to you.
  • 0.074 ETH for Validator Tickets: These tickets are necessary for the operation of the node.
  • 0.02-0.04 ETH for Fees: These are the transaction fees required during the setup process.

Note: The 2.0 ETH used as collateral for the node will be refunded to you when the node is closed. All other costs are non-refundable.

Installing a Puffer Node through Allnodes

Register on the Allnodes website.

After creating an account, go to the Hosting Solutuons section and select Puffer.

In the next step, specify that you need the Mainnet and click Proceed.

Select Host a new validator and connect the wallet from which you will be setting up the node.

In the next step, it will show you which assets you are missing. For example, in my case:

My wallet has neither ETH nor VT. VT can be purchased in the next step, so the main thing is to have 2.1-2.2 ETH in the ERC20 network in your wallet. Buy ETH and click Check Now to refresh.

When we have everything we need, we will see the following notification and the Proceed button. Click it.

Read and familiarize yourself with the risk notification about creating multiple transactions simultaneously.

In the next step, we are asked to purchase Validator Tickets:

VT (Validator Tickets). Validator Tickets are tickets that are used up for each day the node is running. You can buy as many as you want, but initially, you need to purchase a minimum of 28. You can buy more VT later as needed.

1 VT costs 0.0261 ETH, so for 28 VT we will need to spend 0.07314 ETH or around $250.

Select 28 VT and click Purchase VT. If successful, you will see the status:

The VT contract address is: 0x7d26ad6f6ba9d6ba1de0218ae5e20cd3a273a55a For convenience, you can add it to your wallet manually.

In the next step, we need to select the type of server to install. Choose the one for $10 per month. The $5 option might also work, but for my own opinion it’s better not to risk the quality when at least 2 ETH of yours are at stake.

Below, select the MEV boost module. Essentially, this is an additional reward that our node can earn by capturing MEV transactions (I might be mistaken about the details). For the $10 plan, the Flashbots (Regulated) option is available, so I selected it and clicked Host a validator.

You will be redirected to the main Allnodes Dashboard, where you will need to sign the node creation with a JSON key. Click on the suggested yellow button.

Select the option Download Ethereum validator key, create a password, and click Download.

Save the downloaded JSON file, confirm this in the next step, and click Proceed.

Read and agree to the Slashing warning notification

Next, you will be asked to deposit 2 ETH.

In your wallet, you will need to sign 2 transactions: one for the use of VT and one for the deposit of 2 ETH. After that, you will see the status:

Next, you will be redirected to the Allnodes Dashboard, and you will see the status indicating that your node is queued for Puffer validation.

Within approximately 60 minutes (sometimes it may take longer), the node will be queued for activation in the Beacon chain, and an estimated completion time will be indicated.

Now, all that remains is to wait. You can also monitor the status of the node on the Puffer Launchpad by simply connecting the wallet you used to set up the node.

Copy the issued Public Key, as you can also check the node status directly on the Ethereum Beacon chain using it.

Specifically, you will see that an additional 30 ETH has been conditionally added to your Puffer node and the validation status from the Ethereum Beacon chain.

Next, you can go to the Billing section on Allnodes and pay for the server operation at least until your VT runs out. You can pay with cryptocurrency

Withdrawing ETH and Closing the Node

If desired, you can always purchase and deposit additional VT to extend the operation of your node. To do this, on the Allnodes Dashboard, click "..." next to your node and go to the additional menu.

Here, in the future, the option for voluntary exit will appear. However, at the moment, this option is not fully developed

The second option for closing the node is to sign the voluntary exit message yourself. Instructions on how to do this can be found here: https://launchpad.ethereum.org/en/withdrawals
You can send the message via: https://beaconcha.in/tools/broadcast
Here is another video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com
You can use ChatGPT or similar service if you encounter any problems.

The third option is to simply wait until all your VT are used up. After they are exhausted, the special Puffer Guardian nodes will initiate the process of closing your node and returning your ETH. The procedure is not quick, but I have also gone through it:

When the VT are used up, the timeline is as follows:

  • 2 days for the Guardian node to recognize this and initiate the exit process
  • 1 day for the exit process itself, changing the status to Withdrawable
  • 10 days for the Guardian node to unstake ETH from Eigenlayer and return the deposited pufETH

By knowing the Public Key, you can also monitor the exit status on https://beaconcha.in/validator/.