May 29, 2023

💰 In defense of bitcoin maximalism - article by Vitalik Buterin  

Can Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin Be a Bitcoin Maximalist? Maybe! And in defense of maximalism, on April 1, 2022, he wrote a long article with quality arguments.

Earlier we prepared a translation of this article. We suggest taking a break from searching for the next gem of the crypto market and remembering the basics: why Bitcoin is the first, largest and most important cryptocurrency.

“It is better to make your protocol too simple and not support 10 low value gambling applications than to make it too complex and fail at a key use as the basis for sound money is the main principle that underpins everything.

And it’s better to offend millions by aggressively defending what you believe in than to try to make everyone happy and not stand up for any of your own principles.

Be brave. Stand up for your values. Be a maximalist,” Vitalik Buterin.