How To Find The Best Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me
Keep in mind that there are several important factors or criteria to help you find the best personal injury attorney. Here are some recommendations:
1. Choose an attorney or law firm that only represents plaintiffs (and does not protect insurance companies) and limits its practice to personal injury and related injuries (such as workers' compensation, civil claims, and lawsuits against manufacturers of dangerous drugs). Avoid a law firm or attorney that handles many legal matters. It is very difficult to competently manage different jurisdictions. If you say to yourself, "I have a tort attorney," make sure you only choose one person to represent the plaintiffs (injured and not representing the interests of an insurance company). ).
2. View company reviews. Much of our company's personal injury is based on references from past and current customers who are satisfied with the personalized care we provide to our customers.
3. Do lawyers have experience with a wide variety of injuries? At Blatz Law Firm, we had the honor and pleasure of representing more than 10,000 victims and recovering more than $ 100,000,000 from our clients. Every attorney at our office considers himself / herself a serious injury attorney.
4. Does the lawyer have time for you? That's really important. Almost every city in the country has attorneys who use a personal image to market their business. But in fact, you will probably never meet, let alone work with, these attorneys. Instead, they have a bunch of young lawyers who handle their cases. At Blatz Law Firm, our attorneys not only have experience and expertise in what they do, but we also understand the human element and make sure our clients know it. Our motto is "good business results and personal attention", and we mean it. When you work for our company, you will receive a personal mobile number from the lawyer. Ask your lawyer if you are willing to give you a mobile number.
When looking for "the best personal injury attorney near me," the best personal injury attorney is someone who has personal attention and has the financial resources and experience to deal with opponents of all companies.