Blum Trading Bot Step-by-Step Guide
🦶First Steps
Here’s how to get started with Blum Trading Bot (Need the link? Here it is):
1. Launching Blum Trading Bot
When you open Blum Trading Bot for the first time, you’ll see the standard “What This Bot Can Do?” screen along with a Start button.
➡️ Tap Start, and the bot will greet you with a Welcome message.
2. Whitelist Access
Right now, the Blum Trading Bot is available exclusively to users on the whitelist.
📝 Not on the whitelist? No problem! Sign up, and we’ll notify you as soon as you get access.
✅ Already on the whitelist? You’ll be asked to accept Blum Trading Bot’s Terms & Conditions. Once accepted, you’re ready to proceed!
3. Your TON and Solana Wallets
After accepting the Terms & Conditions, the bot will provide you with the address of your brand-new TON and Solana wallets.
Here’s how to deposit TON and start trading:
🔹 Copy the wallet address (just tap it in the message) and send TON from any exchange (CEX).
🔹 Or, for a simpler option, tap TON CONNECT TOP UP to fund your wallet directly from your main TON wallet in just a couple of clicks.
And there you have it – your wallet is all set up! Start exploring and trading with Blum Trading Bot. Happy trading!
Main Menu
This is where your trading journey begins. Here, you always have quick access to your TON wallet address and your current balances in TON, USDT, and the total balance of all other tokens.
Use this page for quick deposits:
🔹 Copy your wallet address and send TON to it.
🔹 Or, use TON Connect for a seamless deposit process.
From the Main Menu, you have access to all Blum Trading Bot features:
🟩 BUY • 🟥 SELL – Open the page where you can paste a token address or link, or select a token from one of the provided lists
🎯 AUTO SNIPE – Launch auto sniping (Feature in development. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s available).
🔮 COPY TRADING – Start copy trading (Feature in development. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s available).
📈 Positions – Access your tokens available for sale.
📋 Orders – View your active orders, including limit orders, TP&SL orders, auto sniping, and copy trading orders (Feature in development. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s available).
💹 P&L – Access your trade history and historical profit & loss (Feature in development. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s available).
🗂 Token Lists – Browse various token lists for easier selection of tokens to trade.
💼 Wallet – Manage your TON wallet with options to withdraw funds, deposit, import wallets, export private keys, or reset the wallet.
🤝 Referrals – View details of your referral program status: the number of referrals, your referral balance, and the option to claim your referral bonus.
If you tap the menu button in the lower-left corner, you’ll find additional options beyond the main menu features:
📍 Start – Return to the main menu from any bot page.
🟩 Buy
To start trading, at any time, on any page of the Blum Trading Bot, you can simply paste a token address or link, and the token’s page will open for you to make a trade. Alternatively, just tap 🟩 BUY • 🟥 SELL.
If you don’t have a token address or link, tap the Token Lists button in the main menu. Here, you’ll find:
You can select any token from these lists to trade.
After selecting a token to trade, you will see a page with detailed information about the token and options to configure your trade settings.
On this page, you can also share this token with your community using your referral link.
First, choose the type of order:
💰 Manual Order: Buy the token immediately at the current market price.
⏳ Limit Order: Set a specific price at which you’d like to buy the token in the future (Limit orders are currently in development. We’ll notify you as soon as this feature is available).
To make a trade:
1. Set an acceptable slippage tolerance. For example, a slippage of 10% means you agree to proceed with the trade if the token price increases by up to 10% during the process. If the price rises by more than 10%, the trade will fail.
2. Specify the amount of TON to use to buy. Your current TON balance is displayed on the same screen for your convenience, so you can accurately determine the trade size.
3. Once you’ve set your slippage tolerance and entered the amount to buy, tap the BUY button at the bottom of the screen to initiate the trade.
What happens after you tap BUY:
Blum Trading Bot waits for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.
Once the transaction is confirmed, Blum Trading Bot retrieves the trade details.
3. Trade completion confirmation.
Blum Trading Bot confirms that the trade was successful and displays detailed information, including the amount of TON spent and the number of tokens added to your balance.
❗If the trade fails for any reason (e.g., slippage tolerance was too low, insufficient TON balance, or external factors beyond your control), your TON will remain safe and untouched.
🟥 Sell
To sell any of your tokens, you can simply paste the token address at any time, or tap Positions in the main menu.
On the Positions page, you will see all your tokens, along with information about their:
Select a token to sell, and you’ll land on a page with detailed token information and trade settings.
On this page, you can also share the token with your community using your referral link.
If the token has been rug-pulled (meaning it’s pointless to sell because the fees would exceed any potential earnings), you have the option to hide it so it no longer appears in your token list. You can unhide it anytime from the Settings page.
🔹 The total balance of this token in your wallet
First, choose the type of order:
💰 Manual Order: Sell the token immediately at the current market price.
⏳ TP&SL Order: Set a specific price at which you’d like to sell the token in the future (TP&SL orders are currently in development. We’ll notify you as soon as this feature is available).
1. Set an acceptable slippage tolerance. For example, a slippage of 10% means you agree to proceed with the trade if the token price fluctuates by up to 10% during the process. If the price changes beyond this range, the trade will fail.
2. Specify the amount of token to sell.
3. Once you’ve set your slippage tolerance and entered the amount to sell, tap the SELL button at the bottom of the screen to initiate the trade.
What happens after you tap SELL:
Blum Trading Bot waits for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.
Once the transaction is confirmed, Blum Trading Bot retrieves the trade details.
3. Trade completion confirmation.
Blum Trading Bot confirms that the trade was successful and displays detailed information, including the amount of tokens sold and the TON amount added to your balance.
At the very end, you’ll see a beautifully designed P&L card summarizing your trade results. You can also share it with your community along with your referral link.
❗If the trade fails for any reason (e.g., slippage tolerance was too low, insufficient balance, or external factors beyond your control), your tokens will remain safe and untouched.
🧿 Positions
This is the page showing all the tokens in your balance that are available to sell. We’ve covered it in detail in the 🟥 Sell section of this guide.
🧩 Token lists
This is the page with various lists of trending TON tokens and, most importantly, Blum tokens. We’ve covered it in detail in the 🟩Buy section of this guide.
🛎️ Orders
On this page, you will find information about all your active orders, including limit orders, TP&SL, auto sniping, and copy trading orders. This feature is still under development, and we’ll notify you as soon as it’s ready.
💹 P&L
On this page, you will find information about all your trades and historical P&L. You’ll also have access to P&L cards here. This feature is still under development, and we’ll notify you as soon as it’s ready.
🪙 Wallet
This page is for managing your TON wallet. Here, you can:
🔹 Import your wallet if you already have one.
You’ll also find your wallet address here again, making it easy to copy and deposit funds. Plus, there’s a TON CONNECT TOP UP button for quick deposits directly from your main TON wallet.
Additionally, you can withdraw TON, USDT, or any other tokens from your balance on this page.
❗ Note: Blum Trading Bot does not charge any fees for withdrawals from your TON wallet.
🧬 Referrals
The referral program is currently under development. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s live.
In the meantime, feel free to trade as usual – we’re tracking all your activity. Once the referral program launches, you’ll receive the referral bonuses you’ve earned.
This is the settings page for Blum Trading Bot. There aren’t too many options here, but they’re important:
🔹 Manage your hidden tokens to show or hide them in your lists.
To unhide hidden tokens, tap the Hidden Tokens button, find the token you want to unhide, and click the link in the list.
Auto Buy allows you to buy tokens without configuring trade parameters. Simply send a token address or link to Blum Trading Bot, and the trade will start immediately using preset parameters.
The same applies to Auto Sell – tokens can be sold instantly with preset settings, without manual configuration.
❗ Important: When Auto Buy is enabled, Auto Sell is disabled, and vice versa.
🛟 Help
It’s straightforward – this is the page with a link to the Blum Trading Bot Step-by-Step Guide and other helpful information in case you need assistance.
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