May 26

NLSound v3.9 BETA [QCom Devices] Changelog

Designations: [+] - added, [-] - deleted, [*] - changed, [!] - fixes

[!] - Fixed resetprop in item 15 of the installer: previously they never triggered because they were located after an infinite loop with no exit. In other words, they could only be executed after a loop that cannot end;

[!] - Other changes we may have forgotten about.

[*] - By patching only the necessary mixer_paths file, the module is much faster to install on many devices: you can see it for yourself by watching videos comparing the speed of module installation on two different devices at the link -> CLICK [Telegram];

[*] - Changed logic of auto-translator of module installation menu and notification: now it will take into account cases of interface language change without ROOT (e.g. via SetEdit) and show you the correct language;

[*] - Improved visual display of module installation progress: now you shouldn't have any complaints about installation progress stopping at 60% :)

[*] - Other changes we may have forgotten about.

[-] - Removed a problematic parameter from installer item 10, leading to bootlooping of various devices;

[-] - Other changes we may have forgotten about.

[+] - The module has learned to detect the audio card of your device: this is necessary for further changes, read the full list of changes;

[+] - Now the module can patch only the main mixer_paths file: relevant for modern devices, where audio files are duplicated in the path /vendor/etc/audio/ and in subfolders along this path;

[+] - Added patching of resoucemanager files: these files are currently present on a small number of devices, but nevertheless play an important role in sound customization;

[+] - Other changes we may have forgotten about.

Support group: *CLICK*

Sources: GitHub