February 8, 2022

Bitcoin Stealer | Cracking the mnemonic code

First of all, is it possible to steal Bitcoin in order to answer the question? or is it possible to generate Mnemonic words correctly? If we give a short answer to these two questions in the same way, yes it is possible.

Now we need to explain a little how it is possible

Mnemonic words are in a word list consisting of 2048 words.

In some articles, the combination of 2048 is obtained and an unreachable number is obtained, and people are told that these numbers are not possible, so do not deal with this business, it is not possible.

But we will prove it possible in this article.

In the example we have given below, as you can see, mnemonic codes, more precisely mnemonic words, come together, that is, when we select 12 words from 2048 words and bring them together, we do not get a possible Mnemonic value because these twelve values ​​are combined mathematically and algorithmically. In other words, in this case, taking the combination of 2048 words indicates that these mnemonic values ​​cannot be used.

To put it more easily, any 12 words out of 2048 words can be chosen and when they come together, it creates an illogical value.

In the image below, a mnemonic value check on the blockchain can already show that it is invalid, you can also test it yourself.

And thanks to this image we have added above, it can show that mnemonic codes, when brought side by side, reveal a ridiculous sentence and that it is impossible to access at the same time. In this case, you can already logically observe that they are put together in an algorithmic way.

If you say I didn't like your test, why didn't you choose from other places and try different words, then why are you looking here, you can choose the words in the 2048 word list that we have added below for you and test them from different places.

By performing this test, we have seen that the different articles and researches made are complete nonsense and that such a thing is possible, that such an action can be performed and mnemonic production can be made. It also makes it possible to play mnemonic phrases in this way. Although we have already leaked it many times and proved it with video, we wanted to explain to you with this article.

Click here to review the BTC and ethereum leaked: https://t.me/darknetworldofficial

If you want to buy this software, definitely go to darknetworld.com and contact Omnipotent. Do not trust other people.

Well, if everything makes sense, how does our software work?

When we coded our software, we first tested the algorithm and conducted long-term research and execution so that mnemonic words could be put together logically. Afterwards, we collected enough resources and defined the whole logic in the main logic of the program.

The program contains 2 elements for mnemonic codes. The first is mnemonic key generation, the second is to logically identify some unknown parts of existing codes.

We have provided a valid mnemonic key example for you below.

Mnemonic key: carbon bird asthma border discover body enhance menu slogan crumble allow remind

(By entering the blockchain, you can already test this for yourself.)

Let's test:

First stage:

As you can see in the first picture, it already shows the addresses of the mnemonic word.

Second stage:

Now our test will start like this; we deleted the last word and left a question mark there. If there is any logical and algorithm-appropriate word that can be added to the field with that question mark, the program will define it and test the addresses belonging to it.

At the same time, it offers the opportunity to show the appropriate words on the left and add them to the last part and test them. If there is a certain balance in the addresses, we can check it ourselves and withdraw the balance in it.

After that, as you can understand, it becomes possible to withdraw the balances in it by finding the right word.

Who are we?

We own darknetworld.com and our team is managed by 13 people in total.

Our team consists of Chinese, and Russian individuals.

Contact Telegram: @bySeller

BIP39 mnemonic phases word list: https://gist.github.com/DMeechan/9761fea1031c95f71c39ac2b80884bc5