March 29, 2021


Before you start painting your exterior, you need to prepare your house for painting. Although your house might already be in good shape, you need to clean and prepare it for the painting process. This includes removing all the clutter, cleaning the house and repairing any holes or damage to the house. Start by getting rid of all the clutter. Clutter is one of the most common problems with homes, and it can make a home look messy and unkempt if there is too much of it. If you have any furniture that you don’t need or want anymore, get rid of it.

Getting Rid of Clutter

Make sure you clear your clutter as much as you can. Remove the clutter from your house so it will be easier to maintain. You can clear up a clutter-free space, too. Organize everything and store it in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Place everything neatly in the house and store the boxes and bags on the top shelf of your wardrobe or under your bed. This way, you will never have to look for anything in your bedroom. Declutter Your Bedroom If you are using a natural paint, you may want to wait until the surface is completely dry before putting your bed in place to protect it. Before putting your bed in place, make sure everything is taken off and remove your pillows and duvet from it.


Once you have taken care of all the clutter, it is time to get down to the dirt and grime. When you start your exterior paint job, you will need to take care of the grime and dirt on your home’s exterior. The dirt on the exterior can cause potential issues like peeling paint, chipping, cracking and damaged paint. There are a few tips and tricks you can use to get the dirt off the exterior of your home. Some methods might require more physical energy than others. Some may require the use of products that might need to be applied to the exterior of your house. If you are using a sprayer to get rid of dirt and grime, make sure to clean the hose and let it dry after spraying. Also, make sure you rinse it out before you spray anything else on your home.


You need to fix any damaged or missing parts of your house before painting. Fix all the areas where you have noticed any problem. You should fix any holes that you have noticed or any cracks or damages that you have noticed. If you have noticed some damage or cracks that you have not cleaned, you should repair it before you start painting. The goal of repainting is to make your house look clean and new again. You want your house to look its best before it goes out to the world. Maintenance In addition to doing all of the above, you should make sure that you always do maintenance work on your house. That is especially important if you want your house to look and feel good after painting.


You also need to prepare your house to paint. This involves removing any loose paint or rust on your roof or siding, as well as cleaning the gutters and downspouts. You also need to get rid of all the leaves and dirt that is blocking the gutters. Dry Basement and Basement Flood Proofing It also is very important to keep the basement dry before the paint job is done. You need to dry the basement from water coming in. You should also make sure that the basement is waterproof. You can place mats or plastic at the entrance to the basement to make sure that the water doesn’t come inside. Change Window Coverings Before Painting It is also a good idea to get rid of all the window coverings that are already in place.


The exterior of your house is your first impression of your house. It needs to be flawless. However, to achieve this, it is very important that you keep a check on the condition of your exterior. It is very important that you take the necessary measures to prepare your house for painting so that you can reap the rewards of your hard work. If you liked reading the article, share it on social media. Cheers!

If you hire professional painting company like Calgary Painters for exterior painting in Calgary, all the needed preparation are done for you will care and details and cost is included in quote.