Stress leads to depression and anxiety
Studies have shown that we are more stressed today than our parents 30 years ago. The Time magazine cover article of June 6, 1983 was titled Stress "The Epidemic of the 1980s" and called it a serious health problem of the 1980s era; there is no doubt that the situation has gradually worsened since then. Numerous surveys confirm that American adults feel more stressed than ten or twenty years ago. A 1996 survey by Prevention magazine found that nearly 75 percent of them feel "very stressed" one day a week, with one in three reporting feeling this way more than twice a week. . Presumably, the perceived stress level today has an even greater impact than in 1996. See Buy Xanax Online Canada
Studies also indicate that work-related stress is the main source of stress for adults. Stress levels have also increased in children, adolescents, students and the elderly, the reasons include:
Increase in crime,
Violence and other threats to personal security;
Pernicious peer pressures that lead to drug addiction and other unhealthy lifestyles;
Social isolation and loneliness;
The erosion of family and religious values and ties;
The loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress relievers;
The feeling of more and more loss of control.
The common medical opinion is that 96% of all diseases are the direct result of or greatly aggravated by stress. Too frequent, extreme or prolonged mobilization puts us to the test and generates signs of discomfort. The body can transmit signals of discomfort in a variety of ways, often in the form of symptoms including irritability, anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue, tension headaches, stomach pain, hypertension, migraines, ulcers, heart problems, colitis and a number of other possible symptoms. Eventually, stress can lead to even more serious discomfort, such as cancer, diabetes, or thyroid dysfunction. In addition to the numerous physiological consequences associated with stress, we also pay a psychological price when we experience stress without relief.
For example, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, alcoholism can result from or be aggravated by unrelieved stress. So it's very important to be aware of stress, if any, in your life. Take immediate proactive steps to better manage stress and your health. At the same time, make the necessary permanent changes to your lifestyle and cope with life in order to live a less stressed life and stave off anxiety and depression. If you are looking for strategies for coping with stress, you will find many helpful websites that provide detailed information and help on stress management. The better you cope with stress, the healthier and happier your life will be.