February 14, 2022


Open up. Slowly. Smothly. Own your Temple. Rise and dance on ecstasy. Ganesha-dancing. Kundalini arrising. Golden letters in arabic.

Remember. Memory lies in your belly.

Poweful movements. Hypnotic. The key open the door at the end of the laberinth. The key is made of gold. The heart of this Earth is were the door is. The yoni is a portal, cosmic, dark portal. The night is a portal. The Moon shines like a lighthouse, for you to find the way. To know when it is apropiate to navigate. The door is a gateway to heaven. Pure love is there. Purify enough to enter. Naked, empowered in your vulnerability, dancing with the feathered serpent coiling aroud your spine.

Put some antique record. Dance to your roots. Incarnate it all. Open up, you are the portal.