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Hi friends, my name is Agnes and I am happy to welcome you to my channel. Today I want to share with you a 15-minute yoga session, which is perfect for a morning practice before you start your working day.
I decided to make this video because yoga has become an integral part of my morning ritual. It helps me wake up, feel alert and focused, and set me up for a productive day. These simple but effective exercises will not only warm up your body, but also help you free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.
So, let's start the day right and get energised and positive! Grab your mats, make yourself comfortable and let's start our morning yoga session!
The most important thing is a good warm-up, as in the morning the body needs to wake up and get in the mood for activity. That's why we will start with simple warm-up exercises that will gently awaken muscles and joints, preparing them for more intensive practice.
My morning warm-up before yoga includes a few mandatory items. I always warm up my neck, arms, shoulders, feet and toes. This is to prepare the body for a more intensive practice and to avoid possible injuries.
It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an avid yogi. I ask you to pay special attention to the warm-up because it plays a key role in preparing the body for a more intense practice and reducing the risk of injury. Warming up helps to warm up the muscles, improve flexibility and increase circulation, which is especially important in the morning when the body is not fully awake.
The first asana I perform is called Peaceful Warrior. It helps to strengthen the legs, open the chest and shoulders, and improve balance and concentration.
To perform this asana, stand up straight with your feet about one metre wide apart. Turn the right leg outwards 90 degrees and the left leg slightly inwards. Bend your right knee, forming a right angle, and keep your left leg straight. Raise your arms up, bring your palms together and look up while arching your back. Hold this pose for a few breath cycles, feeling the energy flowing throughout your body.
After that I take a step forward, bend my knee at a 90 degree angle, and straighten the other leg and lower myself as close to the floor as possible. This asana is called Pigeon Pose. It helps to stretch the hips, groin and buttocks, as well as improve flexibility and relieve tension in the lower back.
To perform this asana: Extend your left leg back so that it is straight, and lower your hip and knee to the floor. Make sure your leg is extended straight behind you, not to the side. Slowly lower yourself onto your forearms or completely to the floor, extending your arms forward if your flexibility allows you to do so. Keep your back straight and do not arch your back. Hold this pose for several breath cycles, feeling a deep stretch in your hips and buttocks.
Repeat the asana on the other side, performing the same steps, but now bending the left knee and straightening the right leg. Remember that correct execution of asanas and smooth movements help to avoid injuries and get the maximum benefit from yoga practice.
Next, I move on to performing Virabhadrasana III, or Warrior Pose III. This asana helps to improve balance, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back and body, and increase concentration and stability.
To perform this pose you need to Lift your torso upwards with your arms stretched above your head. Then shift your weight to your right leg. Slowly and smoothly lift your left leg off the floor, keeping it straight. Extend your body forward, parallel to the floor, keeping your arms extended forward or out to the sides for balance. Your body should form a straight line from your head to the heel of your left foot. Focus on the point in front of you to hold your balance, and breathe evenly and deeply. Feel your muscles working and your body becoming steady and strong.
Hold this pose for a few breath cycles, maintaining balance and concentration. Then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the asana on the other side, putting your left foot forward and lifting your right foot off the floor.
Between asanas you can do warm-up exercises to give your body a rest. I do side bends of the torso, circular bends to the legs. This helps to release tension and prepare the body for the next postures.
Yoga in general exists to make your body heard. The main goal of yoga is not only physical development, but also harmony between body and mind. Listen to your body and perform the movements that are most comfortable for you at the moment. If you feel that an exercise is causing discomfort or tension, do not hesitate to change it or take a break. Your practice should be enjoyable and satisfying.
Next I do Warrior I asana, which is a power pose that strengthens the legs, especially the thighs and buttocks, as well as improving balance and concentration. To perform it, stand in mountain pose, then step forward with your right leg, bending your knee to a right angle. The heel of the left foot should be lifted and the knee pointed to the side. Extend your arms up over your head or point them in different directions, palms facing each other or looking down. Keep your back straight, looking forwards.
Towards the end, I move into downward facing dog pose. This asana helps to relax the body, relieve tension and improve blood circulation. Get on all fours, place your palms under your shoulders, place your knees hip-width apart and twist your toes so they are on the mat. As you inhale, lift your pelvis upwards and stretch your arms, back and neck in a single line. Straighten your knees, tense the front side of your thighs and with an exhalation lower your heels to the floor.
Next, I go into Balasanu pose. Get on all fours, spread your knees apart to the width of the bedding and interlock your big toes. Bring your pelvis back and lower yourself with your buttocks on your heels. Place your belly in the space between your thighs and arch your back from tailbone to neck. Extend your arms forward and straighten them at the elbows, turning your hands with palms facing the floor. Separate your shoulder blades so that there is space between your shoulders and ears. As you exhale, lower your forehead to the mat and relax.
Next, I perform Natarajasana, or Dancer's Pose, which is a balancing asana that helps improve concentration, strengthen leg and back muscles, and develop flexibility and balance. Stand up straight, feet together, arms at the sides of your body. Start lifting your right leg higher while extending your left arm forward for balance. Keep your balance by feeling the stretch in the back of your thigh and the front of your torso.
Next Shalabhasana - locust pose is an asana that helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and the back of the legs. It also improves posture and stimulates the abdominal organs.
Lie on your stomach, legs together, arms stretched out in front of your body, palms down. Forehead rests on the floor. Tense the muscles in your legs and buttocks. Stretch your toes backwards, lengthening your body. Inhale and simultaneously lift your head, chest, arms and legs off the floor. Try to lift your legs as high as possible, keeping them straight and together. Keep your neck in the same position, looking forwards or slightly upwards without throwing your head back.
Thank you for watching my video to the end! I hope you enjoyed our morning 15 minute yoga session before work and are feeling invigorated and energised. Subscribe to my OnleyFans to stay up to date with my updates. I wish you a great mood. See you in the next video. Bye-bye!