June 22, 2021

Yield Farming Programs on Chainik

This new functionality allows to not only track every farming program on Minter, but also to launch them.

Farming Programs Aggregator

Chainik.io/yf is a complete list of farming programs. It contains all active programs that anyone can join.

  • ID: program’s identifier
  • Pool: liquidity pool where farming takes place
  • APR: yearly / daily returns, expressed in %
  • Rewards in: coin / token for payouts
  • End date: when the program expires
  • Details: link to a separate page of a given program with additional info

Program Page

Each program has its own page with all the necessary details (example):

  • All details and settings
  • Address that distributes rewards
  • Address that created a program
  • Widget: total amount of all rewards paid out since launch
  • Widget: number of participants in an upcoming payout
  • History of rewards (date, amount, number of participants, transactions)

How to Create Your Own Program

Have your own token and pool and want to incentivize and support liquidity providers? Simply set up a farming program with daily rewards. For that,

  1. You need to have a Pro account
  2. Sign in to your profile (Connect wallet located in the header)
  3. Go to My Farming Programs
  4. Press Add new program
  5. Fill in the form and click Save:
    – Pool that you want to enable farming for
    – Coin / token that rewards will be distributed in (BIP or either of the pool’s tokens)
    – Daily returns (on the volume of provider’s liquidity)
    – Date when the program finishes
  6. Top up a newly generated address for the necessary number of tokens for future payouts as well as the necessary number of BIPs in order to pay fees (when just starting out, deposit insignificant amounts to make sure everything works correctly first). You CAN’T get funds back from the rewards address
  7. In your profile, you’ll see all the useful information about your programs, including the number of paydays your current balance will cover

From now on, each of those who supply liquidity to a chosen pool will be participating in your farming program and getting rewards automatically.