November 6, 2018

Selected short stories -1896-1904

Selected short stories by Anton Chekhov -1896-1904- translated by Constance Garnett ( public domain) -epub-mobi-fb2- rtf- download-скачать

201 Stories by Anton Chekhov

About Anton Chekhov: One of Russia's greatest writers, Chekhov began his career writing jokes and anecdotes for popular magazines to support himself while he studied to become a doctor. Between 1888 and his death he single-handedly revolutionized both the drama and the short story. Near the end of his life he married an actress, Olga Knipper. He died from tuberculosis in 1904, age 44.

About this project: Constance Garnett translated and published 13 volumes of Chekhov stories in the years 1916-1922. Unfortunately, the order of the stories is almost random, and in the last volume Mrs. Garnett stated: "I regret that it is impossible to obtain the necessary information for a chronological list of all Tchehov's works." This site presents all 201 stories in the order of their publication in Russia.

"Reading Chekhov was just like the angels singing to me." -- Eudora Welty, 1977


183 - An Artist's Story

184 - My Life

185 - Peasants

186 - The Petchenyeg

187 - At Home

188 - The Schoolmistress

189 - The Man in a Case

190 - Gooseberries

191 - About Love

192 - Ionitch

193 - A Doctor's Visit

194 - The Darling

195 - The New Villa

196 - On Official Duty

197 - The Lady with a Dog

198 - At Christmas Time

199 - In the Ravine

200 - The Bishop

201 - Betrothed

PS- О неточностях в переводах Гарнетт- Wikipedia:Constance Garnett translated 71 volumes of Russian literary works. In 1994 Donald Rayfield compared Garnett's translations with the most recent scholarly versions of Chekhov's stories and concluded:

"While she makes elementary blunders, her care in unravelling difficult syntactical knots and her research on the right terms for Chekhov's many plants, birds and fish are impressive.... Her English is not only nearly contemporaneous to Chekhov's, it is often comparable."

Wikipedia: "Garnett also has had critics, notably prominent Russian natives and authors Vladimir Nabokov and Joseph Brodsky. Nabokov claimed that Garnett's translations were "dry and flat, and always unbearably demure." Nabokov's criticism of Garnett, however, may arguably be viewed in light of his publicly stated ideal that the translator be male. Brodsky notably criticised Garnett for blurring the distinctive authorial voices of different Russian authors:

"The reason English-speaking readers can barely tell the difference between Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky is that they aren't reading the prose of either one. They're reading Constance Garnett."

In her translations, she worked quickly, and smoothed over certain small portions for "readability", particularly in her translations of Dostoyevsky. In instances where she did not understand a word or phrase, she omitted that portion.