What is the hotel chain of which hotel Crowne plaza is part
With a wide range of services and amenities, hotel Crowne Plaza has earned a good name in the hotel industry. You can make a reservation in this hotel to enjoy your stay at the best. Before that, you should have the full research of this hotel. Now, some people don’t know the hotel chain to which it belongs. So, for them, let us tell you that Hotel Crowne plaza is a part of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC that is renowned for its facilities that they render to their guests.
Knowing everything about the services, people look for ways of reserving their rooms in this hotel, just to have a pleasant time with their loved ones. So, we are here with the reservation process as well, so that we can assist the people in our best way. Let us have a look at the process if you want to make the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Resorts Reservations.
The process of making the reservation in Crowne plaza hotel:
- Launch your web browser and visit the official website of Crowne Plaza hotel.
- Then, you will have to enter the detail of your stays like the destination where you want to book the hotel, the date of your check-in and check-out and the number of guests.
- You will also have to select the criteria on which you have to make the booking.
- Now, you will have to click on the “Search” tab and it will take you to the new web page where you will find the list of the available rooms in the Crowne hotel. However, if there is no availability, then they will show you some other options to choose from.
- When you have chosen the rooms, you will have to click on the price of the room that best suits you.
- Now, click on the “Next” and it will take you to the new web page where you will see the detail of the room you are booking.
- You will have to click on Next again and then it will open a new web page.
- On the page, you will see the form that you will have to fill in and it will be related to the details of the guests staying in the hotel.
- After that, you will have to go to the bottom of the page and then proceed towards making the payment for the room.
- You will see various payment modes for making the payment. All you have to do is to fill in the detail of your payment card number along with the expiration date.
- You will have to agree on the terms and conditions and then click on “Book reservations.”
This is how you can make the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Resorts reservations . We hope that the steps we have mentioned above are clear to you. If you are facing some issues in this, then you can easily contact the customer support experts and they will provide you with a detailed explanation of the process. Their services will help you to come out of the challenging situation if any.