October 14, 2024


For most people it's history now But for me, whenever I close my eyes it all comes back so clearly

Name Anna Annwvyn
Anna is a feminine given name that means "favour" or "grace". It was picked by her mom [Felicita Pistilli, 48 ]. Her surname comes from the name of one of the world of the dead is some ancient belief systems. Hers is a family of undertakers, she lent a hand to her dad [Tomaso Annwvyn, 50 ] and her older brothers [Duke, 27 - Maso, 26] since she was a child.

The dove

24 Anna was born on a spring day, at sunset.

Anna is a fairy, one of the oldest races that ever walked Illume, and as such she is able to manipulate and cast any type of elemental magic. Her favourite element, and also the one she controls best is fire.

Gender/sexual orientation
Female, bisexual
Anna had some very short relationships, usually with the opposite sex. She's been very carefree in her teens and now has too many things on her mind to manage her feelings towards someone else (this is an excuse, she feels lonely often).

Chaotic good/neutral She has a natural talent on finding loopholes in rules and hating on establishments. This made her a nightmare as a child for her parents, growing up she fixed her attitude, but sometime it resurfaces. She usually means well, but doesn't always see the meaning in following imposed rules, especially when she sees them as unfair or wrong.

Mage, elemental
To hide her nature, she usually present herself as an elemental witch, claiming to have encountered an ancient being that blessed her with this talent. When asked to describe them, she usually gives her late mother's description.
She is a skilled mortician and knows how to use makeup well, especially to conceal or create blemishes without the help of magic.

Anna can switch back and forth between two forms. Her true form resembles what one would call a pixie. About 30 cm tall, with long arts and big pink and translucent wings, Anna looks like a being from fairytales. She has long dark blonde hair that cover her head, neck and parts of her back. Her skin is reddish and her eyes a bright pink. In her true form she usually goes around naked, but often wears leaves, petals or clothes woven from tree bark. After the incident tho, Anna seldom goes back to the tiny form. Having lost her wings she feels fragile and impotent, so she stays in her human form. In this one she is still quite short, standing at 1,59 metres, she once could choose to show or hide a bigger pair of wings. Now on her back there are four scars that she never talks about and usually covers up. Her eyes are pink and her hair dark blonde, her skin looks quite pale, but tans easily. On her face there are freckles too, most visible during warmer and sunnier months.
She used to go for frilly clothes, but since she got into the Aviary, she prefers comfortable outfits in dark blue and brown hues.
She has a pair of dragonfly wings tattooed behind her pointy ears.





