October 21, 2024

How to play with HVCI disabled?

How to play with HVCI disabled in Valorant using Classify Vision.

Check if HVCI is disabled.
(Windows Security -> Device Security -> Core Isolation Details)

Download Clash Verge: [download] (clickable)

Launch Virtual Pet, inject the cheat, open Steam to access the menu, and set up a keybind to open the menu.

Further steps:

Run Clash Verge as administrator.

After launching, the program will open (the color of the program depends on your system settings, this doesn't affect functionality).

Click Settings.

Click the icon next to Service Mode.

A window will open; click Install.

Then, enable Tun Mode and Service Mode.

Finally, launch VALORANT and enjoy playing with HVCI disabled!

Website - https://classify.su
Discord server - https://discord.gg/classify
Telegram channel for announcements - https://t.me/ClassifyV
Telegram chat - https://t.me/+613MIVTBqt04YTRi