October 14, 2021

How To Attract Fish?

Fish have different senses and could use this to your advantage to draw fish. If you're not sure about how to do this, here are some suggestions that you can follow using the sensory organs of fish to lure fish to bite your bait.

  1. Vision: Fish can see the world around them, so whenever possible you need a synthetic lure that is in line with the hue of water. It should be less obvious and provide the best image of the fish's predator. It is also important to remember that water absorbs light which means that the light absorption is reduced as you sink deeper to the sea. This is why the colour of the lure is altered.
  2. Hearing: Otoliths are the organs from which a fish hears. They are located inside their heads. Fish that reside in areas with very structured habitats such as coral reefs or rocky bottoms have bigger otoliths as compared to those living in open ocean. In general, species of fish that have larger Otoliths have better sense of hearing. Thus, the vibrations of the sound waves travel through the water quicker to them. In this situation you must be cautious when dropping your lure that you made up and making sounds.
  3. Smell: It is acknowledged that salmon have an exceptional sense of smell, as they are able to detect chemicals in the waters. This allows them to eat a wider variety of food. Fish species with an innate sense of smell are able to target an array of baits knowing that they are stocked with the vital nutrients they require. This is that preparing ground bait prior to fishing for your desired fish could prove extremely useful.
  4. The Direction Of Pressure: The lateral line of species is the one responsible for monitoring any vibrations and pressure fluctuations within their vicinity. This helps fish form a group to keep its location. It also assists in their orientation as well as acquiring food. In this instance you can use advantage of it to hunt for more fish species.

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