October 13, 2024

In the Khamovnichesky Court, evidence is falsified right during the trial.

In modern Russia, we have seen a lot, but this…

Marvin, a character from the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". The most cynical robot in the entire universe.

As a rule, in any decent fabricated criminal case, evidence is falsified either before the trial, or in some cases after, but never during the trial.

The fact is that the domestic court is ready to swallow absolutely any falsification and, as a last resort, you can always call a witness or investigator or a tame expert who is ready to confirm anything. The country is already falling apart because of this, but apparently smart people have long abandoned it completely, and the judges have zero responsibility, and therefore everyone is happy with everything.

In rare cases, when the falsification is too obvious, which threatens to give rise to a showdown with their own colleagues in their own "showdowns", the courts return the case materials to the investigation and once a decade acquit someone for the sake of statistics.

In the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow, they reached a fundamentally new level.

In 2022, the famous IT entrepreneur Pavel Vrublevsky, the founder of the payment company ChronoPay, and much more, and generally a sweetheart, not a guy, was arrested. To his misfortune, he managed to prove at one time that the chief security officer for the entire Russian Internet from the FSB turned out to be an embedded spy from the CIA. The story was international and loud. And either it was necessary to publicly justify a spy from the CIA, or to cast a shadow on the FSB of Russia, playing out some kind of show "revenge of the FSB". We will probably never know this, since the ordinary performers either do not know themselves, or have ended up behind bars during this time, and what the mastermind of this idiocy himself thinks - the former head of the FSB Center of Information Security, General Gerasimov Andrei Vasilyevich, and why he needed to expose half the office as CIA spies, we can only guess. The fact is that in any of the scenarios, the key condition of the entire scenario was that the material regarding Vrublevsky had to be reliable and not resemble a cheap corruption "deal". And therefore the indictment was signed by the first deputy. Prosecutor General Razinkin himself, the same one who once took YUKOS from Khodorkovsky. However, running ahead, later the case was shoved to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office - news came from the USA that the spy Mikhailov should be prepared for an exchange and therefore proving his holiness to local officials and visiting unafraid regional small FSB branches officers became somehow problematic. But at first the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was assigned the case, pompously announced to the whole country that a large-scale fraud against hundreds of thousands (!) of Russians for billions of rubles had been uncovered. The operational department "F" of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Combating Corruption of Russia, headed by a former FSB officer and probably seeing his triumphant comeback to the office this way, tried especially hard.

In Douglas Adams' book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the robot Marvin at a similar moment cried out in despair:

"Unfortunate cretins!"

Marvin is indignant at human stupidity.

A very apt expression that completely suits the "investigation" in this case, people who really seemed to have recently left the walls of Kashchenko, an infamous Moscow hospital for mentally retarded pantients, since after the statements in the media it turned out that the condition of the ChronoPay company's work was the mandatory return of funds to any buyer who disputed any payments for any digital services - so called refunds, a method that fully complies with Russian legislation, probably taken from international practice and was sacredly observed by the company. At the same time, in Russian criminal law it is impossible to recognize as a victim a person who received their money back before contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Unfortunate cretins" had no idea that honest people exist in the world (unlike them) and that someone actually returns funds, and therefore found themselves in a situation where there is a statement in the media about the disclosure of the scam of the century and the arrest of the "swindler" (along with the signature of the deputy prosecutor general, career plans and full pockets), but there is no scam, since there are simply no victims. Having literally combed the entire country, after a hundred police searches in five federal regions, the investigation sent to court thirty-seven victims out of the promised hundred thousand and billions of damages for a ridiculous half a million rubles. Actually, there were more of them by two - 39. But two citizens had to be excluded, it turned out that these people made a mistake and paid somewhere else altogether.

And what victims they turned out to be. Oh, it's a fairy tale! For example, among them there is a girl who told her dad, and he told her mom, who was recognized as a victim, that she bought improvements for a virtual doll online, but did not receive them. And it’s not even that the girl was five years old (!) and therefore she could hardly read, let alone enter a card 9 times in a row, but that the whole story doesn’t match her own card statements, where transactions took place two days in a row. There are plenty of such examples for 37 people. Rather, it’s difficult to find even one story that reliably resembles at least some possible reality. We think it’s not worth explaining that apart from the stories of these people there is no other evidence at all. That is, absolutely none. All the arrested and interrogated people, including the main witness of the prosecution (!), who has signed a deal with General Prosecutor office, have no idea how exactly and for what money was written off from these people, God forbid there were no technical examinations or even simple inspections or any kind of record of the process of allegedly deceiving these citizens. That is, nothing at all and in no way confirms their story. Except for one thing - the very fact of writing off funds from them. And whether this was fraud, theft or a violent change of the federal state system, one can only guess.

And of course, a year later and the prosecution's presentation of evidence was completed, 5 of them came to court. 5!!! Even in our country, this is beyond the pale.

The epochal testimony of a five-year-old girl. You will probably not find this anywhere, since the 15th century. Unfortunately only in Russian.

You would probably assume that there was a "scandal" Not at all. The parties know each other too well. The two and a half years that the accused "darling" spent in prison, and the harshest of all possible - a solitary confinement cell of the "Kremlin Central 99/1", he kept a humorous diary in telegram, due to which he managed to get into the Peacemaker of Ukraine database as an accomplice of the "Putin fascist regime" for propaganda of the SVO. In addition, according to the channels that the security forces kept - he played golf in the cell with a homemade club and a lemon and trained a wild rat, giving it the name Louis Vuitton.

However, having failed to achieve the closure of the case, the accused studied the examinations according to which these 37 unfortunate citizens received a total damage of 5 thousand US dollars. And they were surprised to see that both examinations refer to different disks with statements from the bank cards of the victims, but both disks have the same serial number.

Pay attention to the serial number of the disk. For this issue, the disk with extracts received from Sber went for a second examination. APRIL 11, 2023. Document available in Russian only. Disk number is CDR 8030150207

They tried to attract the judge's attention to this. But in the best traditions of the genre, the accused got Marina Lvovna Syrova as judge. The same judge who issued an insane and senseless sentence to Pussy Riot, giving rise to Orthodox fundamentalism in Russia, which in turn led to the emergence of Malofeev's Orthodox oligarchy, the downed Boeing and then the war with Ukraine. Marina Lvovna Syrova brought to perfection the art of insulting the accused, calling escort dogs to court without the slightest reason and, in general, the practice of a fierce medieval inquisition in court. So that you understand how bad everything is, Marina Lvovna Syrova issued her only acquittal as if in mockery of the entire system - in a rape case. We just want to ask - how?! How did she do it? He raped himself and provided a certificate that he was left-handed? And he amputated his right hand?!

Moreover, in the Khamovnichesky Court, where, as luck would have it, they filmed the phrase “the Soviet court is the most humane court in the world,” famous throughout Russia and the USSR, unlike all the courts in Moscow, there are still no video cameras, except for the single camera of the bailiffs. Therefore, Marina Lvovna does not actually conduct the trial. Marina Lvovna yells, throws tantrums, is endlessly rude to everyone (except for the escort dog) and humiliates everyone exactly as much as is possible. People literally have a hard time even just being at her trials. From the accused (the 21st century, by the way), Marina Lvovna, as if she herself is familiar with the practice of the characters of the Vogons, a symbol of senseless bureaucracy from the same novel “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,” demands that they write her poems and recite petitions, if possible, in poetic form. No, this is not a joke. This is reality. Grown-up fathers of families, entrepreneurs, from whom someone "squeezes" something using corrupted police force, etc., and there are many of them in the Khamovnichesky Court, are forced to read poetry to the elderly senile judge. It's good that they are not on their knees. And yes, the accused Vrublevsky did not escape this fate and read poetry. What can you do?

Forgive us, reader, for the digression, but feel this, the woman, essentially thanks to whom about a million people have already been "zeroed out" in the SVO, is forcing poems to be read to her in court. Welcome to Russia.

And of course the fact that in the case two disks have the same number to someone, and Ms. Syrova was only able to smile weakly. Then the accused asked to see both disks. Only one was found. And it turned out to be the one of the two examinations that confirms only half of the damage. And the key disk was simply missing. That is, in fact, there was no single piece of evidence in the case that half of the victims had their money written off.

The defendants resorted to trickery, realizing that they were dealing with a possible forgery. And they asked to provide ANY disk with any number, but with the sought-after statements on the cards, which the investigation had requested from Sberbank and sent on to the expert. Surprisingly, cruel people can sometimes turn their backs on their colleagues - the judge suddenly granted this petition. This is very strange and suggests that most likely Judge Syrova thought so much of herself, thanks to Pussy Riot, that it did not occur to her that she could be deceived by the investigation, like an ordinary mortal. And then the thriller began. Over a month, that is 8 sessions in a row, the disk from the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not arrive. Either investigator Karsaev fell ill, or went on a business trip, and once the judge herself disappeared (was that even possible?).

The defendants studied the examinations themselves even more closely and found something wonderful. Let us digress here and explain that the whole point of the pompous transfer of investigative data on CD-R discs is that they cannot be rewritten. And on the non-rewritable disk from which the expert himself took a screenshot in the examination, as required by law precisely for the purpose of reliability, the dates of recording the files were visible in the screenshot - March 10, 23 and 27.

This is a screenshot from the second examination, which shows when the files on the non-rewritable disk were last changed - March 10, 23 and 27, 2023.

But the fact is that the disk, according to the letter from Sberbank, was sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on March 9. That is, no matter what the expert looked at, it was definitely not a disk from Sber.

The defendants, quite tired of the circus process, declared forgery for the first time. In response, the sought-after disk finally arrived from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And lo and behold! The defendants and the court saw a real miracle! The second disk came from the investigation with the same number as the first. That is, now in the case materials, contrary to mathematical statistical probability, there are two disks with the same number.

End of story?

Not at all. Remember, reader, how we aptly and successfully mentioned Adams' phrase "unfortunate cretins"? And here again this line is in place.

And this is what the dates of file modifications look like on the new disk received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the files were modified on February 21, 2023.

The newly arrived disk from the Ministry of Internal Affairs also had the file creation dates checked, i.e. the disk recording date was February 21, 2023. That is, at first glance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs corrected the error. But this is at first glance, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs overdid it a bit. The fact is that the request from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Sberbank came on March 6, 2023, i.e. Sberbank recorded the disk two weeks before they found out that the disk was needed.

A letter from Sberbank, according to which the disk was obviously prepared at Sberbank between March 6 and 9, provided that Sberbank does not fly into the past and does not have telepathy.

But that's not all. Sberbank's telepathic capabilities are endless. God bless him and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This examination was appointed by the investigation at the request of one of the accused, which was written on February 27. Karl 27!!! Sberbank foresaw the desire of the accused himself a week before him.

What does this really mean? In fact, it means that the Ministry of Internal Affairs forged the disk right during the trial once again, when the previous forgery was exposed and, surprisingly, this time the forgery was exposed too. I want to say and print only one thing about this -



P.S. It is clear to an idiot that the evidence in this case was fabricated and people got their money back. Why so many complications, one can only guess.