November 8, 2023

To earn $20,000 per month in cryptocurrency? 🔥

To those who are reading this guide!

You came here, it means you have a request on how to earn $20,000 per month and automate your work. Before you start absorbing new information, I want to briefly tell you about myself.

My name is Kojo and i'm 26 years old.

  • 2.5 years ago, I worked in an office, doing monotonous tasks and earning modest money. But I always dreamt of trading on the financial markets. I studied cryptocurrencies and analyzed charts. One day, I was at a business meeting in a restaurant and I saw a guy sitting at a table with a laptop. He exuded an aura of success and confidence. I felt something familiar about him and decided to approach him. It turned out that he was an experienced and successful cryptocurrency trader. We struck up a conversation and he learned about my passion for trading. Instead of walking away, he decided to help me. We started meeting regularly, and he became my mentor. In the beginning of my trading journey, the income was modest, I was earning just a few dollars a day. Gradually, my knowledge and income level started to grow. I began making significant amounts of money each day. I quit my job and dedicated myself fully to trading. In this way, I overcame all the difficulties in my path and became a successful trader, fully pursuing my passion and earning a stable income. Cryptotrading has become not only my job but also a way of self-expression and achieving financial independence.
  • Have experience teaching over 100 people, 20 of whom became my partners
  • Year, I grew by 10 times and earned 1 million dollars.
  • Purchased 3 cars and built a Big house for my parents.
Is my first group that I taught trading to

Now to the point: where and how to get those millions?

Cryptocurrency is a digital medium of exchange used on the internet and secured by cryptographic methods to ensure security. The first and most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, which was introduced in 2009.

Are 3 popular ways to earn in cryptocurrency: "BTC mining", "trading", and "buying and selling NFTs". We are engaged in trading.

Is Michael - my first student and partner, he is currently earning 30,000R per day. 🤑.

To make such results you need to be able to ⤵️

  1. Analyzing the cryptocurrency and its trading volume.
  2. Ability to use Technical or Fundamental Analysis
  3. It is important to be able to identify the best time to trade cryptocurrency
  4. Ask yourself the question, "What do I want from Trading?".

But to learn all this professionally takes years, but I have come up with a scheme that will help you already now to earn a day from 1000 ZAR. Here be more attentive below I will give you your concrete actions

  1. You'll be part of my three-day marathon where I'll provide you with signals to help you start making your first money.
  2. If you show great ambition and drive during the marathon, you'll be given the opportunity to progress to the next stage, where practical video call training and teamwork will begin.
  3. After completing the training you can become an experienced trader who earns from 1000$ a day. With this knowledge, I personally earned 200-300k per year, but I aspire to surpass the million dollar mark. To do this, I need a team where each member has clear objectives and strives to achieve that goal. If you also share my ambitions after completing the training, I will give you the opportunity to become my partner and build your own team. More details will be provided at a later date.

Think you're ready to be a millionaire? I have 3 packages for you to choose from. If you choose any of them, I will give you a trading budget to match the package you choose. You may ask why this opportunity? I want to become your partner, help you build your team and my share will be 20%. Your earnings up to this point are a bonus to help you discover your talents, if any, and I will recoup my investment 10 times over. I want to share my success and inspire you).

I assume that you are ready for a super product. To participate in the marathon, you need to choose a tariff from the table below and write to me in private messages the name of the chosen tariff! Go to my instagram