After the heavings comes the sedation,
Leaving two pitchers not half-full, but -empty.
"Drink this my friend" she is welcoming, pleasant.
He does the swallow. He reads her, she measures.
Since the beginning this was the basic
Adam is trusting and Eve is the sceptic.
They sit apart, but their heartbeats - connecting,
Madame is waiting for the quantum entangling.
She likes the action, his action, reactions,
But he is passive like Chernobyl`s fractions.
How can it happen to be this reflecting
When two opponents are unalike hectic?
He drinks the beer, to forget, to remember;
Never escaping this abysmal september.
"Mine is the sin that our love was miscarried.
I`m a born diver, who`s drowning on mainland"
There is one question, quite dialectic:
Aren`t we heavy, but still anorectic?
"Don`t let me go" she says hopeful and honest.
Why does her certainty sound so modest?
He`s standing up, saying: "I want it all"
Every belief is like fast food for soul.