February 20, 2022

The Complete Etxical Haking Corse

The Complete Etxical Haking Corse

Would you like to get started as an ethical hacker. Do you want to become a professional penetration tester. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course and learn how to think like a hacker, and become familiar with the toolkit of a professional pentester. This course covers a wide range of topics relating to network security:

You will learn to think like a hacker.

Introduction to ethical hacking

Reconnaissance | Osint

Perform effective reconnaissance

Scanning and enumeration

Thoroughly scan public networks

Network presence

Monitor and intercept network traffic

Attacking systems

Attack Windows and Linux systems

Web hacking

Penetrate web security

Man In The Middle

Social engineering

Hack humans using social engineering attacks.

Learn by doing with demonstrations using popular pentesting tools such as Maltego, FOCA, Beef, Recon-ng, Nmap, masscan, tcpdump, Wireshark, Ettercap, Burp Suite, Scapy, Mimikatz, Hashcat, Konboot, Hydra, OWASP, SQLmap, mitmproxy, Skipfish, Backdoor, Keylogger, Packaging & Malicious Files and more!

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