September 23, 2021

Moonbeam NODE - how to install?

If you faced with a problem how to install and run a NODE of Moonbeam — here’s a detailed istruction how to do it:


You need a server where your node is located. You can use any server you want, like DigitalOcean, Vultur, Hetzner etc. I will explain how to install a node using Hetzner:
- Register on Hetzner, add a payment method to your account;
- Login -> Cloud -> Add server and choose Location(Falkenstein), Image(ubuntu), Type(CPX41) -> Click “Create & Buy Now”.
You will receive an email with login data like this:

You need to download an SSH Client to work with node. I prefer using MobaXterm, so please download and install it on your PC:

After the installation, run the MobaXterm, click Session->SSH and write in the Remote host field IPv4 address you’ve received in your Email, choose Specify Username and write in root and click OK.

Then you will see a Terminal, change your password and you can start mounting a node.

2. NODE In your Terminal window insert this comands in order:
1. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
2. apt install snapd
3. apt install fuse
4. snap install docker
After that you should copy and paste that text to terminal, but change the “stereoflash” to your node’s name:

docker create --name=moonbeam \ 
--network="host" -v "/root/moonbeam:/$HOME" --restart=always \ purestake/moonbeam:latest \ 
--base-path=/data \ 
--chain alphanet \ 
--name="stereoflash" \ 
--execution wasm \ 
--wasm-execution compiled \ 
-- \ 
--name="stereoflash (Embedded Relay)" 
docker start moonbeam

Now, let's check the status of the container, put this command to your Terminal:
docker ps –a You should see that the status of container is "Up":

Now check the logs, put this command to your Terminal:
docker logs -f moonbeam Logs should look like this:

Congratulations! You have succesfully installed your Node!