November 13, 2023


  1. add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
  2. ENTER
  3. sudo apt install libssl-dev
  4. Y
  5. ENTER
  6. apt install curl
  7. Y
  8. ENTER
  9. shutdown -r
  10. git clone
  11. cd leo
  12. cargo install --path .
  13. apt install cargo
  14. Y
  15. ENTER
  16. cargo install --path .
  17. cargo update -p [email protected] (if error look at info)
  18. cargo install --path .
  19. snap install rustup
  20. snap install rustup --classic
  21. cargo install --path .
  22. rustup update
  23. rustc --version
  24. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  25. y
  26. 1
  27. cargo install --path .
  28. shutdown -r
  29. Login to VDS
  30. cd leo
  31. cargo install --path .
  32. apt install pkg-config
  33. Y
  34. cargo install --path .
  35. leo account new
  36. leo example tictactoe
  37. cd tictactoe
  38. git init -b main
  39. git add .
  40. git config --global _____________
  41. git config --global _____________
  42. git commit -m "My very First commit"
  43. Github create new repository «aleotictactoe»
  44. Copy Quick Setup
  45. git branch -m main
  46. git remote add origin <Quick Setup Paste>
  47. git remote -v
  48. git push -u origin main
  49. Username
  50. Password
  51. Create Github Token
  52. git remote set-url origin https://<token><username>/<repo>
  53. git branch -m main
  54. git remote add origin <Quick Setup Paste>
  55. git remote -v
  56. git push -u origin main
  58. Leo Contributor Badge
  59. Change Title Badge to [Badge - username]
  60. Delete description and paste:
    Hi Aleo team! I’m claiming my contributor badge for completing the New Developer Toolkit tutorial.
    Github Username: <___>
    Tutorial Repo: <____>
    Requested badge: TUTORIAL>