July 8, 2022

Exposing Blondychain: threats, blackmail, and extortion. Who is behind the scam group?

What was happened?

In June 2022, person identifying herself by her first and last name Anna Igosheva (due to social messengers Facebook, Telegram, Linkedin, Gmail) created a group called “Blondyscam Reveal” that Blondychain is a project that deceived some investors for almost millions.

However, nowhere is adequate evidence given for such accusations. It is impossible to find even real victims, except for anonymous persons in the chat, which are mainly controlled by the same person who spawned thousands of fakes. In this telegram group she spread fakes and publicly humiliate my name.

In parallel with the chat, the attackers launched their own fund, which does not have any documentation, but is already engaged in attracting assets from users. Invitations to the group were sent pointwise, in PM to users of my communities.

Thus, they sought to create for themselves the image of fighters for justice and against deceit, being essentially scammers. The focus on subsequent monetization is confirmed by the screenshots from the chat, on which admins and people close to them discuss their activities. One of the main goals is to attract people to the fund to search for privates and invest in them before entering the IDO. The corresponding invitations were sent directly to private messages by Anna herself.

Anna and other admins post links with investment advice

The main purpose of this order:
1. Take my audience.
2. Hype, advertising theirself.
3. Receiving a ransom from me to stop these activities.

I invited Anna to a 1v1 open debate without litigation and didn't get an agreement from her. Why does a person who is so sure of his innocence not want to go to an interview? And tell everything publicly? Anonymity? I doubt.

Anna refuses to take part in a conversation with Blondy

I recorded a video regarding this situation, but a day later it was removed by YouTube from my channel due to a wave of complaints. This has never happened on my channel. This proves that this person does not like my view of the situation and with the help of bots she decided to demolish it from YouTube.

A message that the video on the channel was removed due to complaints from Anna and her team

Basic facts:
1. Anna Igosheva was indeed a member of a private group
2. No, Anna Igosheva did not pay a single penny for participation in it and did not lose such a sum of money as a result of their transfer to the Blondichain project. The screenshot below confirms this
3. Statements that the entrance to the group cost everyone $ 3,000 - a complete fake.
4. Claims that BlondieChain managed to raise a million dollars from subscribers of this type are absolute nonsense.

An online table entered directly by this Anna Igosheva

Additional facts:
• Anna is far from the only free-participant of the private network, who was initially there on a free basis, there have never been any rules for entering solely for money;
• Anna indicates that she paid for the entrance to the private network through the blockchain, but does not provide proof;
• while there is evidence that this person violated the rules of the group in which he was a certain amount of time.

This person blackmails and was extorted money 28 thousand dollars for the removal of personal data from the network and all the groups that she created. But now she extorted 500 thousand dollars.
She forges screenshots, tries to bribe people for the intended purpose. I receive direct threats to find me, destroy my business, physical violence and so on.

What we do at this moment?

1. I wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office in Kyiv, Ukraine and at moment opened criminal case. Previously, this person is charged with the crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine in Articles 182 and 189: the fact of disclosure of personal data and extortion.

If you need more details (For example, official confirmation that a criminal case has been opened), please let me know.

2. Prosecutor's office find this person, its woman 31 years old from Moscow, she was studied in United Kingdom and now working in France. She have 2 passports - Russian and French.

3. Prosecutor's office sent a request to :
⦁ French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
⦁ British Foreign Office
⦁ Embassy of Ukraine in the UK
⦁ Embassy of Ukraine in France
⦁ Embassy of Russia in France
⦁ Embassy of Russia in the UK
⦁ Notified each employer of this person for the last 10 years of his work activity
⦁ Sent a request to the Association of Victims of France

4. It was possible to establish that this person now in the city of Lyon, France. And at the place of her crime a complaint was sent to the prosecutor of the city of Lyon


There is a lot of different situations and scammers on bear market now.

Due to the fact that I am one of the few bloggers who support the Independence of the Ukrainian state from Ukraine, I encounter problems from other people, since not everyone agrees with this opinion. Now all the media have launched propaganda against Ukrainian citizens in order to belittle them and condemn them.

Going forward, you may see massive attacks against communities that openly support Ukrainian Independence.

There is no proof, that someone didn't get tokens or something else from my community. If anyone have questions - please send your full legal name and telephone number to @taty_expert3

Here is more information and proofs - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zsRD4fpl4okWAgkJ6aRK4hkbwt_WtbIonmrHEclf3_Y/edit?usp=drivesdk

Also, I will attach you a document with all the proofs of the transactions, so that you can see for yourself!
