February 26, 2022
Stratos SDS
Дата проведения:
от 22.02 - До выхода основной сети
1,000,000 STOS (распределяется между всеми участниками, детальнее - https://github.com/stratosnet/sds/wiki/Tropos-Incentive-Testnet)
Требования для сервера:
16 RAM
Подключаемся через терминал и вводим команды:
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git build-essential curl snapd --yes
sudo snap install go --classic echo 'export GOPATH="$HOME/go"' >> ~/.profile echo 'export GOBIN="$GOPATH/bin"' >> ~/.profile echo 'export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile
git clone https://github.com/stratosnet/sds.git cd sds git checkout v0.5.0 make build
mkdir rsnode cd rsnode
ppd config -w -p
(После выполнения команды вводим пароль и подтверждаем его, после придумываем имя кошелька и еще раз вводим 2 раза пароль)
[INFO]2022/02/22 11:25:19 setting.go:125: The config at location /home/hong/stratos/sds0113/sds/rsnode2/configs/config.yaml does not exist generating default config file [INFO]2022/02/22 11:25:19 node.go:67: No P2P key specified in config. Attempting to create one... Enter password: # enter your P2P key password Enter password again: [INFO]2022/02/22 11:25:21 setting.go:251: finished changing configuration file P2PAddress: stsdsp2p1arpvg0wthng0yty06ay0uup3vw7k3upm586few No wallet key specified in config. Attempting to create one... Enter wallet nickname: wallet1 # enter your wallet nickname Enter password: # enter your wallet key password Enter password again: # Inputting the mnemonic phrase here will recovering an existing wallet account(mnemonic will not show on the screen). input bip39 mnemonic (leave blank to generate a new one) # It is better to use copy and paste for inputting. input hd-path for the account, default: "m/44'/606'/0'/0/0" : # Make sure to use the default hd-path [INFO] 2022/02/22 11:25:34 setting.go:251: finished changing configuration file WalletAddress: st10t5chdnhx6myggwwhfq7q39hnjhzapau9yy6tv save wallet password to config file: Y(es)/N(o): Y # please input Y or Yes save the mnemonic phase properly for future recover: ======================================================================= climb work able lock find blind fire cement exotic outdoor eyebrow panther repeat veteran prosper speak identify wolf mind decorate genre arctic bean gauge =======================================================================
nano configs/config.yaml
NetworkAddress: IP сервера
StratosChainUrl: https://rest-tropos.thestratos.org:443
SPList: - P2PAddress: "" P2PPublicKey: "" NetworkAddress:
curl -X POST https://faucet-tropos.thestratos.org/faucet/WALLET_ADDRESS
cd rsnode
tmux new-session -s ppd-start
ppd start
Запускаем терминал ppd в тмукс:
tmux new-session -s ppd
ppd terminal
activate 1000000000 10000 1000000
Полезные команды:
Открыть сессию с терминалом ppd:
tmux attach -t ppd
tmux attach -t ppd-start