October 18, 2019

de_dust2 Strategy

I think it makes the most sense to write a strategy guide for the most popular map - no question de_dust2. Even though it is one of the oldest competitive maps in the Counter-Strike history and every conceivable strategy has been played over the years, I would like to offer the beginners and new players in CS: GO a first entry aid - with the main de_dust2 tactic as a backbone: a classic, extended B split.

Tactics for de_dust2: The B split
The extended B-split is one of the basic tactics on de_dust2 that every team should master. This tactic is only recommended for so-called full-equip rounds (full equipment, which means everyone can buy full equipment) because they need grenades. For a split rate so rather less suitable.

The start
Three players are heading towards B, two games in the direction of A (who that is, decides in a quick game after the topspawns). Unlike usual, no player is left at the spawn to sneer with the AWP towards the wooden gate (sifting) - so you do not know how your opponent split up, unless you're already in the late game and has already analyzed the opponent's lineup.

From the two players direction A smoked one over the double doors towards A-Lang. Ideally, it should be announced before the start of the round in the voice, who takes over this, so that not only during the current round must be decided.

The smoke binds the CT covering A-Lang. If he covers defensively from the spot, his sight is taken, he covers offensively, he is forced into the pit. The crucial point, however, is that he does not delay.

The T who has gesmoked, remains again in the middle of the top defensive and covers backwards - in the event that the CT or the CT come offensively.

de_dust2 strategy tactics
The Trajectories of the Terrorists on de_dust2 at a B-split.

Meanwhile, two of the three players run into B in front of the katas (catacombs). One of them will cover Katas below, the second one will cover the katas above, if here the Ts off (offensively) come. The player below now smokes the box in front of the wooden gate, this has two purposes:

the CT covering short can no longer see into the katas
the CT, which probably covers the middle, can no longer see through the wooden gate.
Meanwhile, two of the three players run into B in front of the katas (catacombs). One of them will cover Katas below, the second one will cover the katas above, if here the Ts off (offensively) come. The player below now smokes the box in front of the wooden gate, this has two purposes:

the CT covering short can no longer see into the katas
the CT, which probably covers the middle, can no longer see through the wooden gate.

While the smoke is on the wooden box, now the two Ts (the two A-players) come from the top center. One goes in the middle, the other goes up ("stairs") slowly to short. The two players below each throw a grenade at short, as there is a high probability that a CT because of the Smoke offensively comes to sneer.

From the point of view of the CTs, everything looks like an A-split until then, as both the middle and the A-long boxes are smoked.

The third T in the middle now smoked through the wooden gate in the direction of the middle or over the band / wall in the direction of the CT base and immediately afterwards a flash. At the same time one of the two players in the katas smoked the exit to B.

This starts the GO and should happen relatively quickly. The three players in front of the Katas exit below go through the wooden gate towards B, the two players in the katas above make the GO in parallel. The remaining grenades are used to flash B and / or once more towards the CT base. Beware of teamflashes with parallel GO on B!

de_dust2 strategy tactics
The further paths and placements of the Smokes in a B-split on de_dust2.

At this time sits in the best case still a CT at A-Lang, possibly the CT was already brought to short. It will be a big game for the Ts on B. Congratulations!

Here is the corresponding counter-proposal to the terror B-split. Not a standard CT setup, but a Prediction on B. Either you try it out in good luck, but then you could fail when the Terror A-GO comes, or you can learn to re-enlist your opponent in the running rounds ( to recognize their position and procedures), and specifically appoints this tactic or line-up.

The start
Three players run to the start on B. Two players remain defensive in the CT Base on the boxes and facing each other, one of them covers the middle, the other direction A-Lang.

On B, one of the players goes into the so-called "Arscheck" next to the Katas exit, one on the plateau and one down next to the Bombspot. The Ist the basic layout.

The player on the B-Plateau takes on the important function of announcing whether a T-GO is coming through the Katas. If this is the case, of course, it immediately opens the fire, while the player flashes directly into the katas on the Bombspot. If one is not enough, then the third player in the archeck will also flash against the box so that the CTs at the exit should be blind.

Of course, the two players on the CT base can move if the opponent has B access. If it is a fake or the bomb is not dropped on B, but placed on A, the retake must take place there. The three players on B move for A-short, the two players in the CT base on the same.

de_dust2 strategy tactics
Counter-deployment of CTs in case of B-splits of terrorists on de_dust2.

Finally: Timing is important in both cases - on both T and CT sides. This requires practice and training. If your actions are not coordinated, you will soon realize that individual players are being fetched away or, for example, Already dissolved half of Smokes before the joint GO even occurs. Such situations should be avoided. The short, concise and precise agreement in the corresponding VoiP program (Teamspeak, Mumble, etc.) also helps.

If you want to get rid of criticism, praise or suggestions or have any questions about this de_dust2 strategy, you can use the corresponding forum thread.