June 13, 2024

Praxiteles is one of the most prominent sculptors of ancient Greece

Famous works by Praxiteles

Aphrodite of Cnidus
One of Praxiteles' most famous works was the statue of Aphrodite of Cnidus. It was the first major Greek statue to depict the goddess nude. The statue was admired for its grace and sensuality. Roman copies of this statue can be found in various museums around the world, including the Ashmolean Museum.

Hermes with the infant Dionysus
Another famous work by Praxiteles is the statue of Hermes with the infant Dionysus. The original statue was found in the Temple of Hera in Olympia, but the Ashmolean Museum presents a Roman copy of this masterpiece. Hermes is depicted standing, supporting the infant Dionysus in his arms, emphasizing both the physical strength and care of the god.

Apollo of Saukind
The statue of Apollo of Saukind is another important work by Praxiteles. The original work has been lost, but Roman copies allow us to imagine what this image of the god of music and light looked like. Apollo is depicted in a relaxed pose holding a lyre, emphasizing his connection to the arts.

Features of Praxiteles' style
Praxiteles was a master at depicting flowing lines and natural poses. His works were characterized by grace and sophistication, which made them stand out among other works of the time. He also introduced a new standard in depicting the nude female body, showing its beauty and grace.

Significance of сopies
Copies of Praxiteles' works play an important role in understanding ancient Greek art and its influence on subsequent eras. The Roman copies on display at the Ashmole Museum give modern viewers the opportunity to see and appreciate the talent of this great sculptor.